Christian Game Studio Founded

Group of pious developers are hoping religious gamers will cry "Hallelujah!" at their planned line of non-offensive games.
Source: GameSpot
Hallelujah!!A development studio has come together that will focus on making games for a Christian audience. In a press release sent out today, the new studio, called Digital Praise, outlined their plans for the studio and made several comments about the potential for development in the Christian games market.
Source: GameSpot
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(sarcasm intended)
Maybe if a few aisle-running, pew-jumping Pentacostals strap on suicide vests they'll get a little sympathy and respect.
Of course, doing so would not be Christian...
How about this? I'm going to equally bash all religions that push beliefs onto others and discriminate.
lets not get feisty here. relax. its news.
Al Capown--obviously not a fan of the moral majority...
Gay people. hmm... how can two men make a family? its just not right. thats not about religion, its about the way humanity was made/evolved. however you would like to put it. just think. 2 guys walking down the street holding hands. now... say you are walking with your kids. what will they ask? what will they say? they will think gay is normal. they will think that its ok to like other little boys in there class. now... does that really sound right to you? no. we werent made/evolved to be like that. its just wrong. period, i dont care what religion your from. 2 guys on each others back is not right. gay marriges will dissrupt the way we have to raise our children. not only that. it puts ideas into their minds.
look, i dont have a prob against gay peeps, but i just dont want them around my future kids.
But ask yourself, if the headline substituted any other religion for the word "Christian" would anyone feel right in making fun of it? If a group of game developers planned a software line to appeal to Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc, would we be so quick with the snickers and smart-alec comments?
I see no evidence that this group is trying to censor what games are released, only that they intend to offer an alternative for Christians which doesn't insult their values. If no one buys them then they will go the way of many other failed game companies.
When my daughter was still young enough to need parental input on such things it was sometimes hard to find something suitable for her. If these folks come out with a fun game which a parent doesn't have to feel is contrary to their values they will be doing a great thing. There will still be room on the store shelves for the next version of Phantasmagoria.
Excuse me? Is marriage a certificate you redeem to make babies? Gay people will have sex with or without being married. Marriage is something that was created by religion and is a social issue. The government has no right to tell gay people they can't get married. Once again your logic isn't correct. You're saying that gay people will only hold hands if they're married and that once they get married all kids will become gay because they see 2 guys holding hands? No matter what the issue of gay sex will be there. Do you think giving them marriage is going to bring out all the gay people? They will still hold hands, kiss, have sex. If you have a problem with that then your issue has nothing to do with marriage but totally with homosexuals as a whole.
You don't have a problem with gay people? I think it's pretty obvious that you indeed do.
I think entropy makes some excellent points.
I think that you get the feeling they will start making out in front of your kids... What if two heterosexuals were making out in front of your kids... you'd want to leave wouldn't you. I believe that in both cases where there is any sort of sexual tension you'd feel the need to not let your child see it. I think your issue is that you see these people as perverted and don't realize that the same would go for a heterosexual couple showing affection to one another.
Obligatory "I am not a gay-basher" comment:
I have had many gay friends, including some family members. I was holding my friend Jon's hand when he died of AIDS. His gay friends would have nothing to do with him at that point. (This was ten years ago, and I believe that attitude has changed.)
That's right, God hates gays and Red Lobster.
But really, back to the topic at hand.
"Christian Game Studio?"
It's ridiculous. That's so self-segregating it's not even funny. I would laugh equally at "Hebrew Game Studio" and "Buddhist Game Studio." It's just a ridiculous notion, making "Religion-friendly" games.
"Here, here.. Quake 3 is bad for Christians! Play this!"
It's spoon-feeding, an inherent quality of talking down to people of faith.
entropy> well, i dont want my kids around them for many reasons. im not saying ALL gay people are like this, BUT, my gay friends are very bad. they shoot up on drugs all the time things we dont need to discuss. they are very ill mannered, they make out in front of everyone, they grab/slap each others butt. just stuff i dont want my kids seeing. (well... my future kids cause i dont have any right now) its just not appropriate in public. and the fact that there gay does matter, i dont want my kids seeing that... i just dont wish for my kids to turn out like them. its my opinion... if it was two females it would be the exact same thing... dont think its only men...
When I go to a football game I like to sit on my team's side of the field. Is that wrong?
"thou shall not sleep with another man" i dont remember what exact verse it was and all. but i bet if you google it you can find it... heh...
dont ge me the wrong way, im no super christian or something like that. i just dont wish for my kids to be gay.. thats all. i dont care about gay people, they can go marry all they want... while i wish for it not to happen its not like i can realy do anything.
i just want my kids to be straight... the way they were designed to be... heh.. its that easy.. i dont hate gays... ah oh well... it doesnt matter anymore...
Good to see your ability to pass broad and bigoted judgements is in fair and working condition.
1. You can admit that you don't want your kids around gay people, because "You don't want your kids to turn out like that." Though you totally ignore that homosexuality is not a decision, that there is no, and has never been conclusive proof that it's a choice.
2. Or you can admit you don't want your kids around trashy people, period. But you would be perfectly willing to let them around upstanding people who are homosexual. Executives, lawyers, etcetera.
No one is designed to be straight, "As it's meant to be."
Your statements make it perfectly clear that it's not that you hate ill-mannered people, it's just that you hate gays and are covering it up with a piss-poor, and ultimately pathetic ploy to disguise your hatred.
And really, so what if gay people get married?
So ****ing what?
Oh, hey, they like GUYS, they shouldn't be able to profess their love in a legally binding relationship, because that's just crazy!
Thrax (and anyone else), this is just my spin on things, my own feelings, so contradict if you wish, but don't flame. I think that man and woman were created for each other. Otherwise He'd have made 2 men and 2 women and said, "Your call." Ok, so that's crude, but I think we were meant to be straight. Then again, if God seriously didn't like'd be well within His power to prevent it.
As they said on Seinfeld (and everything in life can be related to that show:)): "Not that there's anything wrong with that"
I realize that my statement before may have been putting words into your mouth or maybe just rephrasing what you said but the point of it was that as a parent I wouldn't want my kids around either homo or hetero sexual couples who are making out or involved in anything sexual. I honestly don't even know why you made that statement about your friends shooting up to illustrate a point that gay people do drugs. Does the heterosexual population not shoot up on heroine?
The points you are using to explain why you wouldn't want your kids to be around gay people, which consequently leads to not wanting gay marriage work on both sides of the sexual spectrum. You say Gay people are vulgar and make out and slap asses but don't horny couples do the exact same thing? Don't straight people shoot up drugs too? I don't think your problem is with an entire minority i think it is simply with a few select cases and that you should not be basing your opinions on as some might say, a few bad apples.
Entropy... it's probably just some part in the bible where it says the union of a man and a woman or something that deals with adam and eve. Back in ancient rome (might have been greece) homosexuality was very very common.
go to the "what are you listening to" thread.
look at everything i posted there..
look for the guy named "Malice Mizer" and "Gackt"
if i hated gay people so much like you say i do, now then why the hell would i even have downloaded practically all his music videos?
or how about this...
Yes, i hate gay people, there i said it. are you happy? shoot me...
i dont really hate gay people... but if you guys want to be such an ass and peer pressuring me into saying that i do, or turning my words around and using them back on me... well there.. now you can see it. do you feel better?
good... now.. ima go back to listening to Gackt... and not wanting my kids to be gay... altho i dont really know how i should think of gay people right now.. you guys can decide for me... as thats what you want to do...
somtimes its hard to say what i wanna say cause i am half mexican.. and i ususally only speak spanish at home... sorry...
Ah... i see didn't pick up on that right away.
Here's my final point.
I believe people should be seen as people and not as a label. I don't believe that you, me, the government, or anyone else has the right to take away or control any human's rights. Don't stereotype an entire minority based on the select few encounters you have had with some.
I'm 1/2 Colombian. I got stereotyped all throughout junior high because I have dark skin and the few interactions people have had with latin people in indiana is at mcdonalds or them doing landscaping. So basically people related anything that an employee at mcdonalds did to me. It's not fun and I'm sure you've been discriminated before in your life so try to be open minded.
I suspect there'd be wide agreement with the idea that what people do in private is their own business. I think there would be equal support for the notion that a parent has a right - and a responsibility - to control what their children are exposed to.
Arguing the details is not going to get us anywhere. When this thread started we were all friends. Let's keep it that way.
prof sends a big sloppy kiss to all