HDD powerdown on folding box

MrNiceGuyMrNiceGuy Denmark
edited July 2004 in Folding@Home

I have a little annoyance with one of my boxes. Situation is that it's my filecontainer, with 3 HDDs in it. 160 GB and 80 GB (Fluid, 2MB cache), and a 80GB WD SE in a cheap Codegen case, with no sidepanels (crummy things got bent out of shape and is impossible to refit).

The WD is whining all day long, and it's starting to get on my nerves. I only recently installed that drive from my main rig, but it was secured in a NoVibes frame there, so I didn't really hear it. But now it's obvious it's loud.

It's limited to how much I actually use the computer, so I'm searching for a program that can, if possible, shut down HDDs individually. The built-in powersave function in Windows doesn't seem to kick in, cause it's folding.

Any ideas? :)
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