Windows XP SP2 cracked
Birmingham, UK
Okay, so this isn't really news. Key generators have already been available for several weeks that can successfully create keys that would work with SP2; but in an official capacity this is once again another blow to Microsoft. All be it, an inevitable and expected one. The Inquirer reports:
Source: TheInquirerMicrosoft has claimed that it's introduced features in SP2 which mean that illegal users of stolen or cracked activation codes won't be able to upgrade the OS, which is due for release in August of this year.
However, sources in the community are claiming that there's already a keygen for service pack 2 out in the wild that will bypass the security arrangements.
If MS really thought this was going to stop the pirates, I'd love to get some of the stuff they're smoking.
*note, this friend is NOT me...
Overall, you are doing a very good job with the news and bring much good to the S-M table.