Thank you, but I made a huge mistake
First I just wanted to say thank you so much for the wealth of information you have on your site. I got the bestfriends.scr virus last night on my office computer, and I have been trying all morning to get rid of it. I downloaded adaware, spybot, and hijackthis, and when i finally ran hijackthis, I deleted the two files that had anything to do with AIM. But when I restarted my computer, I had no internet connection. What did I DO?! Since this is the computer at my office, I was trying to resolve it w/out asking the computer techs at work (don't want ot get in trouble for IM) but I'm afraid I REALLY messed up. Does anyone have any idea what I could've done? Thank You so much.
another success story!
glad things worked out for you.