Your next video card?

edited July 2004 in Hardware
It's that time of the year for me to buy a new video card. I've been looking at my options, and I just might spring for an X800 Pro based card once it drops into the $300 range. It should be able to handle Half Life 2 and Doom 3 quite well.

What's you people's plans on video card upgrades? Going to buy one from this generation, or wait? Why?


  • edited July 2004
    6800GT babyeee

    Im running a ti but only because i got a reallly good deal on it.

    Before that i was running a 8500LE

    nuff said.
  • MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
    edited July 2004
    My 9700 Pro works fine for now... It will be a while before I upgrade, but when I do, I wanna go for at least the second best.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Second best will get you no where, and fast... my next card will be dual GeFarces :D
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Considering that the nForce4 is coming in the winter with twin PCIEx 16x or 8x slots, and ATI is <b>not</b> going to be left behind on the SLI bandwagon, I'll tentatively declare that my next video purchase will be SLI Radeon X800 XTs.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    TheSmJ wrote:
    It's that time of the year for me to buy a new video card. I've been looking at my options, and I just might spring for an X800 Pro based card once it drops into the $300 range. It should be able to handle Half Life 2 and Doom 3 quite well.

    What's you people's plans on video card upgrades? Going to buy one from this generation, or wait? Why?

    I'll wait, because my next board will be a PCI-X video (Video X16) capable board. Also, I will be wanting an X800 PCI-X variant, which ATI will be coming out with about the time Grantsdale comes along the pike. Since I don't game much, the fact that most games cannot take advantage of X800 advanced features much less X16 speed with an X800 GPU will be moot for me-- I feel like skipping a few gens upward in video.... :D By the time I have the money for both motherboard and a PCI-X video card plus a Dothan, maybe DDR4 will be on cards also....

    So far, no-one is offering either\or AGP 8X or PCI-X X16 video support, though Via says they are close to offering that (plan to, not out yet to OEMs to test, AFAIK, YET-- some folks are guessing later this month for some of the next gen boards, and Via's chipset). Via will be offering the Via PT890 Chipset for Intel, K8T890 for AMD's new 939 pin CPUs, both will support one-each of AGP 8X socket and PCI Express X16 socket, used either or and not bothwise-- per Kyle Bennett of, in his column in Computer Power User for July 2004.

    At this point, no-one I can find has has knowledge of mfrs having plans for anything like this (AGP video or PCI-X with buyer\user\builder choosing because board is socketed for both) except Via, most offerings will be PCI-Express video only with AGP abandoned if current plans hold. So, unless that changes, any real hypergood video card I could get now would probably have a short life in my own boxes.
  • edited July 2004
    I'm planning on the AGP GT-6800 pretty soon, I had to RMA my 5900U and I might just be able to pick the 6800-GT up in exchange for the 5900U as it's about the same price as the 5950U and I might actually get to choose what I want in exchange.
    Barring the 6800-GT as an exchange option I'll probably either get a 5950U or a 9800 Pro-256 until I can afford something else.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Like an ATI card? :D
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited July 2004
    I've got a Ti4600 in one PC and 9800 pro in mine. I've spent around £500 on these two in the last 18 months. I'll get the best I can when I need to, ie, when I struggle to play my next game.
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited July 2004
    Fastest mid-range 16 pipe PCI-Express cards capable of running in SLI mode.

    For now, that's the 6800GT's, but it could change with the introduction of the NForce 4 or ATI offering something similar. :)
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Thrax wrote:
    Like an ATI card? :D

    Have indeed used ATI's, back when TNT series was decent, through 7500 series. But, in this case, probably NVidia since my IC7-Max3's like them if I buy a video card before a new Mobo-- or possibly a Matrox dual or quad if I do not get a new mobo first. Different needs, different card choices.

    For a PCI-X, would LIKE an X800-primary-GPU A-I-W in PCI-X bus interface format though (I KNOW they do not exist yet, yes, but one can dream and maybe slaver\slobber\drool a bit-- right???). I do not know enough about NVidia PCI-X offerings yet, simple, so when I do I might change my mind before buying. OR, if Matrox comes out with a quad-out with a PCI-X interface, might think about that for a while. See, my second "screen" might be PROJECTED output.... Someday I will post some pics that will explain clearly why....
  • NomadNomad A Small Piece of Hell Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    I'm going to wait and see how things pan out. My next video card purchase will be awhile from now, considering I got my Radeon 9800pro not too long ago.
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Next video card is the RMA 9700Pro I'm awaiting from PowerColor. Don't know whether I'll sell it or swap it out for one of 9700Pro 'soft mod's' in my home computers.

    So, to the point: I think I'll purchase an X800 variant once its successor is out and the 800 series are in the approximate $200 range. That's my pattern - to stay fairly current with CPUs and motherboards, but to lag state of the art video hardware by about a year or 18 months.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited July 2004
    Waiting for something that will fold.:)
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    Things are good right now so I will settle for being a spectator for a while. When all the dust settles from socket 939 on one shore to PCI-X on the other shore I will be ready to strike out boldly and embark on the next frontier.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited July 2004
    Yeah most likely it will be with a awhole new computer upgrade unless there is a nice deal that I could find.
  • rykoryko new york
    edited July 2004
    i will be waiting until the next generation pci-e x16 ati cards (beyond x600/x800 cards) come out..........considering i just purchased a 9800pro a few months back....
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited July 2004
    ryko wrote:
    i will be waiting until the next generation pci-e x16 ati cards (beyond x600/x800 cards) come out..........considering i just purchased a 9800pro a few months back....

    Do you mean the Fall Refresh or the next-generation as in R450/500 stuff :)
  • edited July 2004
    Thrax wrote:
    Like an ATI card? :D
    If ATI comes out with a card that supports P.S. 3.0 and 32bit color at a reasonable price, maybe so but as the 6800 series is the only series out now that does so I'll probably go for one of them, the horsepower they bring to the table is (while less than the X800 series) pretty impressive compared to last gen cards and they're available in AGP 4X/8X whereas the next generation of ATI card may or may not be.
    I really have no plans to scrap my entire PC just to upgrade a video card and until games come out that make my system whine like a little girl, I probably will stick with what I have as far as the rest of the system goes for some time to come. Aside from the CPU the rest of my system is still pretty viable.
    Besides, didn't you read where I said I was considering a 9800 Pro-256?
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited July 2004
    Nomad wrote:
    I'm going to wait and see how things pan out. My next video card purchase will be awhile from now, considering I got my Radeon 9800pro not too long ago.


    I doubt that anything will appear in the next 12 months or so a AXP 2.4ghz & R9800 Pro cant run adequately

    I also waiting too see what the R500 can do (Shader 3.0, SLI etc)

    Disclaimer: I also hold the option to buy a X800-XT if (when!!) the Computer Upgrade Fever strikes again :)
  • LeonardoLeonardo Wake up and smell the glaciers Eagle River, Alaska Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    I doubt that anything will appear in the next 12 months or so a AXP 2.4ghz & R9800 Pro cant run adequately
    Or perhaps even a 9700Pro.
  • edited July 2004
    what exactly one might consider "adequate" is subjective to the individual. Myself, I won't be happy unless I can run the game(s) with the details maxed and a rez. or 1024x768 at least.
  • ArmoArmo Mr. Nice Guy Is Dead,Only Aqua Remains Member
    edited July 2004
    i belive my 9800's will run Doom, and hl if i feel like getting it i may have to bump AA down from 4 to 2 :) i so love my 9800's
  • citrixmetacitrixmeta Montreal, Quebec Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    X800XT all the way :D
  • rykoryko new york
    edited July 2004
    SimGuy wrote:
    Do you mean the Fall Refresh or the next-generation as in R450/500 stuff :)

    Well, i was thinking the new generation of gpu's....not just the upcoming fall refresh..... so i guess that's the r450/500 series. (maybe SLI!?)

    But again, this is just a guess since i will pretty much need to upgrade my whole system by the time r450/500 comes out. I will, most likely, be looking for an nf4 board and an affordable s939 cpu by that time...maybe we will have SATA300 too!

    Must fight off the upgrade urge until 2005....
  • Omega65Omega65 Philadelphia, Pa
    edited July 2004
    ryko wrote:
    I will, most likely, be looking for an nf4 board and an affordable s939 cpu by that time...maybe we will have SATA300 too!

    Must fight off the upgrade urge until 2005....

    Yeah me too ;D;D;D

    Also, I'm still not sold on the performance advanatge of the S939 over the S754 yet especially when considering the price. The A64 512K 2.4ghz 3800+ S939 (Dual channel) chip is $712 (retail) while the Athlon 64 512K 2.4ghz 3400+ (single channel) is $416 (retail).

    AMD is saying DC is worth 400 pts and $296?!? I think not......
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited July 2004
    I got a 9800xt for under 300 bucks from newegg and that will last me till next year when i can look at getting an x800
  • SimGuySimGuy Ottawa, Canada
    edited July 2004
    ryko wrote:
    Well, i was thinking the new generation of gpu's....not just the upcoming fall refresh..... so i guess that's the r450/500 series. (maybe SLI!?)

    But again, this is just a guess since i will pretty much need to upgrade my whole system by the time r450/500 comes out. I will, most likely, be looking for an nf4 board and an affordable s939 cpu by that time...maybe we will have SATA300 too!

    Must fight off the upgrade urge until 2005....

    I hear ya as well! We've practically got the same systems (briefly looking at speeds in sigs) and I'll be looking to replace this one with a S939/NF4 combo at that time :)

    It's getting harder and harder to put off the upgrade urge.... :cool:

    Regardless, SLI & PS 3.0 support are a must with the ability to run at 1600x1200. If it can't run 1600x1200 at any visual level (even without AA/AF) in my games, it ain't worth it and needs to be replaced.
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