PC + Random Self Restart? Wth?

Joy, my first post -= Rolls his eyes =-.
I'm currently having an HD problem. I think it occured when i was playing Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. After i got one of those annoying "Unhandled Exception (c10000)" Error. I left it for a while, then came back, played D2 again and then it restarted by itself, eversince, it's been doing it for the past 2 days. And it has sufficient cooling, it has all new updates and everything.
The Secondary problem now is the fact that CHSDSK doesn't repair the 2-4 Corrupt files it's supposed too, Instead-it freezes :banghead:
1 file is Gbl1a2B.Exe. Which it copies. And the second file, it cross-links and then allocates, then once it is done that, it hangs. Which led to me Restarting it, and now. it shows 2 more additional files. making it 4.
I really don't know what to do. All I can tell you is that this HD is a Maxtor91366U4.
And it's a pathetic 12.7 Gigs.
If there is anything you know about this problem, and/or any specific HD Tools i should use. Please name them and how they should be set up.
Best Regards.
Viper$ki||z :Canflag:
I'm currently having an HD problem. I think it occured when i was playing Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. After i got one of those annoying "Unhandled Exception (c10000)" Error. I left it for a while, then came back, played D2 again and then it restarted by itself, eversince, it's been doing it for the past 2 days. And it has sufficient cooling, it has all new updates and everything.
The Secondary problem now is the fact that CHSDSK doesn't repair the 2-4 Corrupt files it's supposed too, Instead-it freezes :banghead:
1 file is Gbl1a2B.Exe. Which it copies. And the second file, it cross-links and then allocates, then once it is done that, it hangs. Which led to me Restarting it, and now. it shows 2 more additional files. making it 4.
I really don't know what to do. All I can tell you is that this HD is a Maxtor91366U4.
And it's a pathetic 12.7 Gigs.
If there is anything you know about this problem, and/or any specific HD Tools i should use. Please name them and how they should be set up.
Best Regards.
Viper$ki||z :Canflag:
Try Memtest for the onboard memory.
As for the hard drive, try Maxtor's HD test utility.
Good luck!
Clean Temporary Internet Files folder to get rid of that stuff you no longer need-- that SHOULD clean out your file, especially if name is in fact Glb1a2b.exe instead of gbl1a2b.exe and even possibly if not (this first file is a Wise Installer\Uninstaller artifact, most likely). This could also be a swap file problem given HD size, if swap file cannot be increased in size, then Windows boxes can reboot when swap or paging file on HD fills remaining space on HD or tries to then when XP has more to add to it, and cannot, you can get hangs and spontaneous reboots with zero hardware faulting responsible (one more hint, the pagefile CAN be deleted from recovery console, 2000 and XP can regen it on startup(expect boot time to be up to 20X normal time for the pagefile regen and for HD to be very busy during this single bootup with pagefile regen), and it CAN get corrupted also). Run Disk Cleanup utility, then run Disk Defragmenter up to 3X, in safe mode if it will not run in normal mode.
This might not be hardware, or not just hardware.
*Note2: I ran Memtest and nothing happened it ran for 5 seconds after "loading....." And then the screen went all PhuckSh|t Funny, Pink and Blue squares were the only thing on the screen.
Though i fixed all Corrupt files by using ChsDsk and leaving it overnight. It still does not Remove the Random Restart problem. I did all of the following, I Ran EasyCleaner 2.0 By ToniARts (Finland), And cleaned out all malicous and useless registry keys and changes, I removed all 240 Unnessecary Files. I also (using Easycleaner) Opened the Start up Monitor and Deleted all KernalFaults.
Then using Window Washer (Webroot) I Cleaned out all Temp files, IE History, Cookies, backup files. All of that useless Crap. Then I ran A ChsDsk Again, followed by Disk Cleanup. Afterwards I Defragged at 3X. And still, no good Results. Plus I still can't find the root of thid Unhandled Exception Error in D2.
This computer is fully upgraded, Chipset, HD, GFX Card, Drivers And so on. So I don't know why Either the Unhandled Exceptions, or the Random Restarting Should be happening.
Best Regards
Viper$ki||z :Canflag:
*Note: Read-up to see my last post about how my attempt on fixing both problems went.
It generally means (at least some of) your memory is bad if what you described happens.
If it's any consolation, I think you are hot on the trail of solving your problem.
with my old PSU, when i tried to OC, my PC would restart randomly, changed to a better PSU and the problem was solved.
I dont think its a HDD prob. because if it was a HDD prob im thinking you would probably get a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) but thats just My Opinion. i dont think its a memory prob either... i am going with the PSU prob here... cause its ONLY when you play games right? high demanding games?
meh... i dunno... im just guessing...
Ok, how much RAM do you have???
And unfortunatly no, it doesn't just restart when i play games, sometimes it does it when I'm talking on MSN or watching a Flash movie, or just plain listening to music.
Btw what is a SmartFailure? When I used to have my old HDD I would restart my comp and it said I had a SmartFailure and that an HDD Crash could be immanent and that I should back up all my stuff and get a n ew HDD.
Wth is a Smart Failure?? IT happened right at reboot where it shows my slave and main hard drive ect.
</br> Smart stands for "Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology". It runs in the background and monitors abnormalities in your HD. The idea is to give you enough warning of a drive failure to allow you to save any data on the drive.
And btw, I don't get Blue Screens i get funny pink Blue squares in stead, but rarely, still get them though. Usually only during Memtest.
Do you have a known good, 400W+ PSU to ry the system with?
I still think it's the PSU.
Heh, that makes no sense.
1. what is flashing your BIOS and VG Card.
2. What the hell is the Infinite Loop?
o.O Could it be put into laymen terms please..?
Oh yes, and the voltage for this computer is 1.500V :S
Flashing the video card's or motherboard's BIOS. First, you'll need a long coat - 'trench' coat if you have one. Wear the coat with no clothes on underneath it. With the coat's buttons unfastened, face the BIOS with a grin on your face. Grasp the lapels of the coat; in one quick motion...
OK, seriously now:
1) Infinite Loop is a memory or data transfer operation that won't complete, but that keeps trying, or looping. (That's not technical, but the best I can do.)
2) Flashing a BIOS. The BIOS, one each on your motherboard and video card, is a Basic Input-Output device, a little chip that gives start up instructions to your computer and or video card, coordinating the interaction of the computer's hardware devices before the computer is running under the instructions from your operating system. Frequently for motherboards, and not so frequently for vid cards, manufacturers make changes to the code stored in the BIOS. More advanced computer users will often update their BIOS chips. The operation is usually performed during the computer's startup phase and is called "flashing".
Also, o.O can someone give me a good definition of "Inifinite Loop" And what noticiable Affects it's having on the computer, like Symptoms is basically what I mean.