NF7-s problem
well my computer is on the fritz again
draw your attention to that cause its where i'm pulling this info from.
"A two-tone siren, generally caused by overheating or out of specification voltages"
i'm getting that.
now hardware monitoring software from abit is saying this : Your Vbat voltage excedes the limits. is that a problem that can be causing this or could something else be seriously wrong?
draw your attention to that cause its where i'm pulling this info from.
"A two-tone siren, generally caused by overheating or out of specification voltages"
i'm getting that.
now hardware monitoring software from abit is saying this : Your Vbat voltage excedes the limits. is that a problem that can be causing this or could something else be seriously wrong?
I'd be happy to send you a fan, but unfortunately, I've already packed all my computer spare parts for my move.