Sapphire goes toxic and ape
Pasco, WA | USA
Today Saphire has released its new "Toxic" line of Radeon Cards. These cards come with Overclocking software named "Ape". With Ape you can OC your "Toxic" card to its maximum potential right out of the box.
Source: The inquirerSAPPHIRE WENT TOXIC TODAY with the launch of its new card line, and they went APE and Lethal at the same time. The picture of the heatsink we showed you at E3 is now updated with a buyable card and more details. Luckily, it is all good news.
Let's just start out with the card itself. It is aimed at the very top of the high performance video card market, the lunatic fringe that OCs the hell out of a card, and still can't get enough. Throw in a great deal of time spent on making sure it looks as good as it performs, and you have the Sapphire RADEON TOXIC X800 PRO VIVO 256MB.
Other than that, the card looks freakin' amazing!
lets try and keep it cool around here. it was an honest mistake. its as good as fixed
Just a thought.