Difficulty downloading OmegakillerSM tool
Hello everyone,
I am another computer user that has fallen victim to omegasearch.com
I would like to download the appropriate tool to eliminate omegasearch.com but am having difficulty downloading the program.
The first thing I did was create a folder with a title OmegakillerSM in "My Documents" folder.
I then saved the program from the download section of the web page into the folder listed above.
When I clicked on the icon, the following message appeared in an "Adobe download manager" box with the following message "The download cannot continue. Error parring voucher" with only an option to "quit"
I don't have any idea what to do at this point.
Will you please provide me some guidance and/or recommendations.
Thank you very much for your help.
I have the 98 version in my computer.
I am another computer user that has fallen victim to omegasearch.com
I would like to download the appropriate tool to eliminate omegasearch.com but am having difficulty downloading the program.
The first thing I did was create a folder with a title OmegakillerSM in "My Documents" folder.
I then saved the program from the download section of the web page into the folder listed above.
When I clicked on the icon, the following message appeared in an "Adobe download manager" box with the following message "The download cannot continue. Error parring voucher" with only an option to "quit"
I don't have any idea what to do at this point.
Will you please provide me some guidance and/or recommendations.
Thank you very much for your help.
I have the 98 version in my computer.