tough keyboard love
I've had the same, simple Logitech keyboard for well over two years now. About an hour ago, I came back to my room and started typing but keys weren't registering. I rebooted, but then nothing on it worked at all. I figured maybe the fan had blown moisture from the rain outside in or maybe it was old age.
I was messing with it for about five minutes (checking connections, trying different keys, etc) when a friend suggested "have you tried just wailing on it yet?". Since it seemed to me that my keyboard had bit the dust anyway, I said "what the hell" and pounded on it full-force with my fists twice...
...and here I am typing this post.
I was messing with it for about five minutes (checking connections, trying different keys, etc) when a friend suggested "have you tried just wailing on it yet?". Since it seemed to me that my keyboard had bit the dust anyway, I said "what the hell" and pounded on it full-force with my fists twice...
...and here I am typing this post.

I guess we're at the opposite ends of the keyboard tech support spectrum.
A 6 foot fall onto concrete is always step 1 in any troubleshooting. You must do this while threatening the suspect device with an even higher fall should it still not work.
Keyboards always get a bath in the dishwasher in my house. M$ natural keyboards just love the dishwasher. You can hear them just clicking away in there.
The method of troubleshooting described above is also used here in the oilfield. It's formally called the "Hammer kill-or cure method".
Humor: What I really "hate" are coke or BAWLs or Coffee (the coffee plus cream and sugar, or just sugar or sweetener) soaked membrane contacts in keyboards-- silly stuff shorts when wet, and sugars insulate connections (bad signal flow results, naturally) when dried out.... URGH... !
Or find Sledgehammer
I dig things new and Old day by day,
from the SM grave just so they see light of day.
I remenber it from then