F@H 5.0 Switches
University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
Here are the switches that you can use in v5.0. Note the absence of forcesse.
-config Configure user information
-configonly Configure user information, then exit
-queueinfo Get information on queued work units
-delete x Delete item #x from work queue
-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all result
-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3
-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit
-oneunit Exit after completing one unit
-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available
-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available
-service Run in service mode (for programs such as firedaemon)
-local Use configuration files from local directory
-config Configure user information
-configonly Configure user information, then exit
-queueinfo Get information on queued work units
-delete x Delete item #x from work queue
-send x Send result #x to server then exit. Use x=all to send all result
-verbosity x Sets the output level, from 1 to 9 (max). The default is 3
-pause Pause after finishing & trying to send current unit
-oneunit Exit after completing one unit
-forceasm Force core assembly optimizations to be used if available
-advmethods Use new advanced scientific cores and/or work units if available
-service Run in service mode (for programs such as firedaemon)
-local Use configuration files from local directory
But, is it any faster?
edit\ ok at this time all have received work but one. I have the advmethods flag but they are mostly getting tinkers.
Would it be good on a amd rig.
what are those cores anyway. any good.
Basically the -forceasm flag restores assembly optimizations in case of an improper shutdown ...you shouldn't need it at all if you run the v4 or v5 client or later. I think that the problems are all sorted out now in v5.02 so this wouldn't be necessary.
-advmethods is a request for post beta wu's which are still beta wu's in the last phase of beta tests ...really more risky than it's worth especially for an amd system IMO
personally on my amd systems I run no flags whatsoever and on my p4's I run -advmethods since it tends to get more gormacs usually but not always.
amd's fold tinkers better but we still don't have the option to choose.
My advice is to run no flags.
Needless to say though i HATE those friggin gromacs.
What I do is when I configure as a service with the new client I run the console with the -configonly flag at the command prompt. Once you're finished configuring at that point the client will just terminate instead of start as you probably already know.
Then ...I do a regedit search for the -svcstart flag. There are other ways probably but that takes me right to the parameters path in the registry.
That will take you to a registry within your hkey_local_machine/system/controlset00#/services/FAH@drive:+folder+fah5.00-console/imagepath
there you will see the service something like drive:+folder+fah5.00-console -svcstart
just right click imagepath to modify and then add the flag after -svcstart:
drive:+folder+fah5.00-console -svcstart -verbosity 9
That's it ...done deal!
Let me know how it goes Jim.
Now to go mod the AMD machines to add the -verbosity 9 flags on them.