Vancouver, BC Canada
In 77 days, we will be passed by Team 2630 "The Tech Report."
Check out their new users in the past week:
20 of them! They are out-producing us by 142377 points a week right now!
I have been trying to plug the Team as much as I can to new users in the SVT forum, but maybe some PM's from other Team Members will help? We are seeing way more than 20 new users a week in there right now, we should be able to sign up some of them if we work it hard enough! Does anyone think that a PM campaign from team a member(s) to SVT users would help?
In 77 days, we will be passed by Team 2630 "The Tech Report."
Check out their new users in the past week:
20 of them! They are out-producing us by 142377 points a week right now!
I have been trying to plug the Team as much as I can to new users in the SVT forum, but maybe some PM's from other Team Members will help? We are seeing way more than 20 new users a week in there right now, we should be able to sign up some of them if we work it hard enough! Does anyone think that a PM campaign from team a member(s) to SVT users would help?
Yea I just noticed that the " Everything about F@H - Check here first!" sticky is pretty packed with a lot of information. And even though it is all good information, for a new person I could see where it would confuse them.
Agreed...we need the FAQ's in a short, concise and compelling single post. I have been directing people to the Team page on the main site page, but they have to scroll down so far, then find the FAQ's on the right, then click them to open the FAQ's. It would be noce to have just a single post for FAQ's, so that it is very very easy for people to find the click, and ther have it all.
but i want to get her cleaned up before i set her up so i will probably be posting logs for her soon. i downloaded the recommended things and both adaware and spybot froze up on me (?!) i ran out of time and will go over and download and run again...
anyway, my point was - i'm trying! i don't have any high powered machine, but am spreading the word with anyone i know about the cause and your helpfulness and knowledge and that if they decide to help, that team 93 is where to turn! mondi was most amazing in helping me last week and you all have been very generous with your opinions when asked...
where is all this stuff coming from all of a sudden?
Dexter, I take it you've seen this thread? My friend managed to get quite a few computers in on it, but either they haven't turned anything in yet, or maybe something wen't wrong with the installing. Maybe they're not configured with the right username/team number. *shrugs*
I hope something great does give us some big push forward. It'd be great to stay in the top ten worldwide! In just a few months we could be out.
Keep it simple yet informative and alluring!
Stacy, it doesn't matter if you can only fold 1x wu a week. You are folding for a GOOD cause, that is what matters.
Anyhow, there are links available if you know where to look. mmonnin has 4 in his sig, there are lots in other places @ Short-Media. Perhaps a page explaining which link does what and why might be good too.
This will take you to the points page. "Project Summary".
This actally came from here, a very good page with lots of different info.
I think a noob page would go down well. When I first came here there was not a place that put it in plain English. I am "geek like" so I picked it up easily. Most visitors perhaps are not. If they were they would not need the SVT help etc. I think a small installer at the end of a page that people could download. It could just be a simple batch file that copies the the console to a FAH folder on the users c: and starts the the console with "-configonly". If they have read the page with instructions then they will be running straight away and installed as a service... just a thought?
One dominant feature is the folding sigs. Add i few links next to those pics and more would found out about folding. This way we wouldn't have to pm people, they would find out for themselfs. I've seen the links in mmonins sig and if more people had such links then newcomers would eventually figure out that this "folding thing" must be nice.
Just my 2 cents.
And a faq that is easy to understand would be nice.
When i found out about the "Spoiler" from Mondi, i managed to make one up with a bit of a suggestion for people to Fold.
Sally got a news letter from another forum where at the bottom it explained about folding, where they were and where they wanted to be and asking people to join.
Perhaps a headline that grabs ya, like: SEX. Now we got your attention, lol.
w00t........bring on the AC'ed dorm.....Thinking positive for ya, lol.
Well... whatever an A64 3700+, 2 P4C HT's, Dual XP-M 2400's & a Barton 3200+ can put out in a week...
There's not a whole lot more I can do, I've got 2 XP3200+ PCs, 1 P4 2.8HT, and 1 XP2400+ machine folding under my name - unless I get more family members needing PCs (unlikely!) I won't be able to up production for myself anytime soon.
After reading info on the home page, I requested and obtained great help from many of you in setting up my main computer and my kids computer as services.
I don't think it is too pushy at all to inform folks of this great cause and suggest they check it out.
My second computer seems to be having problems folding....keeps deleting the work and starting over. Has only done a couple units in the weeks I was away....I deleted the folders and started from scratch twice, but didn't seem to fix it.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Probably should have started this as its own thread, but didn't plan on going into this in this reply. Sorry....
Anyways, I'm back in town for a few weeks and glad to be able to read more about y'all in the forum
I'm closing in on 300 in rank...wooooooohooooo!!!!
have a desktop sitting here that is idle
cel 1.1 no hard drive
edit i have a version of linux( DSL ) that can work from cd rom
any ideas of using that would be helpful
or when i get a HD i am putting suse linux pro. on it
that won't be untill monday at the latest
And I added an 1800+ full time for one week until I have to give it back to the owner.