Post your internet speed...
University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
I swear we had a thread like this a while back, but I can't seem to find it. Anyhow, yeah... go to dslreports, run their speed test, and post your results
Mine (with AIM and MSN running):
Mine (with AIM and MSN running):
«3621 down
«226 up
this is with my roomate playing EQ on his system
j/k... I wish it was at home. It's at school.
239 up
I hate my upload speed.
«2851 down
«9256 up
I got 6.3mbps downstream on though, consistent with a few days ago. This is UIUC's pipe btw.
1266kbps down
524kbps up
So, so true...
Upload = 318 kbits/sec or 40 KBytes/sec
usually at 2.8, downloading a few things now.
down: 3582
up: 4824
over the University's wireless network which means it may have been limited by wireless connection (802.11b).
Download Speed 1296 Kilobits/second
Download Test Size 1204 KBytes
Download Time 7.433 seconds
Receive Buffer Size Not available
Upload Speed 1079 Kb/s
full t1.. shared with 100 other users, we are under heavy load right now as its 4:30 and people have stopped work and are now surfing for the last half hour. There is talk of putting in a t1 for our department alone as we use alot of bandwidth...
for work related of course....