NEW Microsoft mice and keyboards on the way

It seems like Microsoft have finally decided to update their mice and keyboard designs, with a whole new look. About time, is all I can say.

The new mice will support four way wheel, better autonomy (up to 6 months) and new radio technology that should avoid parasits. The scroll wheel moves up and down and from left to right so you can scroll in any direction when checking out a document for example. The black version of the mouse is supposed to be in leather. There will be a black version of the Multimedia keyboard as well as natural multimedia keyboard.

I'm typing on the Natural Keyboard Pro right now...
I'm saying that their Natural MultiMedia Pro Keyboard (or whatever their new Natural MultiMedia keyboard is called) needs to change the layout of the insert/home/delete/end/page up/page down keys back to the normal layout.
For clarification, check out my l33t photoshop painting
The last keyboard from MS that I saw with a USB hub was the Internet Keyboard Pro & the Natural Keyboard Pro. I think we're outta luck on that one...
looks like i'll be looking for an Internet Keyboard Pro when i change my keyboard
Yeah, I did my Pro, last month. It was pretty disgusting, the c*** I found in amoungst the keys (tsk!). Anyway...
All I did was get a very small flat head screwdriver and flick the keys off the board, one by one. Once I had taken all the keys off, I then cleaned the whole board area, making sure not to lose any springs I might add, then did each key individually with a damp cloth. Re-assembled, and voila, a nice clean keyboard.
Set aside a good 30 minutes to do it though.
Then again, I use keyboards that are at least 10 years old (I like the clickyness). These babies are not only easy to take apart, but they have a have comfortable key press resistance (thanks to the "clicky mechanism") that simply cannot be beat!
Thing is, I have to go well out of my way to find them… the one I use on my "Black Box" in my sig. was originally used in the Auto Lab at my school (It was used on an old laser disk Ford Rotunda learning unit). I managed to talk my auto teacher into giving it to me. And thanks to the AT/PS2 converter, I'm good to go on what I'd consider to be the best keyboard ever made.
Unfortunately, once PS2 ports are phased out, I'll have to get used to the "new" types of keyboards.... with the "soft touch" crappyness.... I like my keyboards loud as hell, thank you very much!
And I love my Logitech MX700... a mouse simply cannot get any better...