How much adhesive to mix?
I'm going to be affixing some heatsinks to my southbridge and the RAM chips on my video card... I plan on mixing Arctic Alumina adhesive with some Ceramique so it sticks, but doesn't do so permanently... What ratio should I mix it in in order to get a good bond that will come loose when I need it to, without ripping the RAM off of my video card?
So, 0% Ceramique in that mix. Not trying to flame you, had a friend try your proposed mix once and he was picking up heatsinks off bottom of case for three weeks until he went back to all Alumina Adhesive or a tib of Alumina in adhesive.
I've always just used Arctic Silver thermal adhesive. It works very well, but is permanent. Of course, I've heard of guys freezing cards, so as to crack of items permanently affixed. I'm not about to try that.
I've never had a problem selling a motherboard with an aftermarket/how-fabricated heatsink assembly; and have never had an after-the-sale complaint by the buyer. If you the seller are trusted, the extra beefy heatsinks are usually considered a plus by the potential buyer. If the potential buyer though, is one of those people that doesn't know the difference between the case and the CPU, it might cause some problems.
Ceramique is a bit more effective for CPU heat sinks, though it takes longer to cure adn develop maximum heat conductivity. It is more thermally conductive than AS II or AS III. Ceramique does not have much adhesion\gluing ability as it si pretty non-viscous and has no adhesive component designed into it AFAIK, but is denser than Alumina or Arctic Silver with finer particles of ceramic material like Alumina also has but no metallic materials-- so Ceramique is not electrically conductive.
For someone who is very conscientious about cleaning up excess heat sink paste and who is very careful not to let any excess be scraped onto anything electronic, the Metallic (Silver and Aluminum bearing) heatsink thermal pastes are decent. For most folks, the non-electrically conductive Ceramique is as good or better and is safer, where a heatsink is bolted or clamped on.
Ah, a chemistry your computer! Oh, I've GOT to see this!
From a safe distance, while wearing safety goggles...;D
(Who at age 11 made Molotov Cocktails in the basement, until my mom caught me... )
In one word -- NOT! <-- as far as blending stuff to make it less sticky.
just kidding
OK, now that I've had fun at John's expense, I must say that he is an honorable, reliable private trader.