Mysterious Signals From 1000 Light Years Away
The SETI@Home project is excited about what could be radio contact from a distant constellation.
WTG Seti -KFIn February 2003, astronomers involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) pointed the massive radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico, at around 200 sections of the sky. The same telescope had previously detected unexplained radio signals at least twice from each of these regions, and the astronomers were trying to reconfirm the findings. The team has now finished analysing the data, and all the signals seem to have disappeared. Except one, which has got stronger. This radio signal, now seen on three separate occasions, is an enigma. It could be generated by a previously unknown astronomical phenomenon. Or it could be something much more mundane, maybe an artefact of the telescope itself. But it also happens to be the best candidate yet for a contact by intelligent aliens in the nearly six-year history of the SETI@home project, which uses programs running as screensavers on millions of personal computers worldwide to sift through signals picked up by the Arecibo telescope.
It doesn't really matter if we can get to them. The point is, we would no longer be alone. And that would change so many things. Talk to the catholic church about ET.
Ask not what you can do for E.T., but what E.T. can do for you!
Ask not what you can do for E.T., but what E.T. can do for you!
Then ends with this:
On the downside, it would prove that we are all just cosmic chemical coincidences and not divinely-inspired masterpiece works. Things like gene therapy would just be better life through chemistry.
We are perhaps advancing to a stage where we can detect other versions of God's master plan, but there's no reason why religion should disappear. It proves/disproves nothing.
Religion may change but it certainly won't go away.
The short answer is that it doesn't, because everyone believes something different about religion. What you choose to believe is your own business, but certain beliefs held by some many people might be more challenging to keep with hard evidence to the contrary (I haven't met too many people nowadays that REALLY believe that the Earth was made in 7 days, though many people I know including myself believe Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior).
Cyrix, it would not at all disprove god, but it would definitely directly prove the catholic stance wrong.
Sure, but the picture that goes with the story tells a whole different tale!
Look in the upper left hand corner!
If that's not a flying saucer, then I'm not addicted to caffeine!
Now if only it would send a radio signal.
Yep humanity has a great record there
we either:
send in the missionaries
cut it down
Introduce them to modern culture
"Americanise" (note I differentiate beteen Americanise and moder culture )
or all of the above in no particular order
as for religion.. well it may through a wrinkle into those religions that believe they are the chosen ones..
maybe they are just trying to upload their folding at home wu's or maybe they are sending back their data from the seti@home project.
either way it would be cool..
set phasers to stun, get cappin kirk to seduce all their women then beam me the hell up...
NOt to much to be said about this, even if it is a signal from elsewhere, what it means to us is nothing, other than it is possible to recieve signals from other places than earth. What if it moved faster than the speed of light? What if that was the signal to cancel "Earth: the TV show"? Maybe we should all run and hide, maybe we should break out the Tom Jones records, maybe we should realize that if there is a divine plan, and ET is part of it, and his part is to erase us, that there is nothing that we can dogmaticly do about it. Everyone is wrong and right at the same time. Only spirituality can transcend the impending doom from little green men. If only Kazoo could save us now...
hahahaha good one
me like very much :Rocker:
posted again cause somebody totally busted me down and showed me their a-thor-a-tye in the OT thread about this
BTW about the time it take to answer "them". Who cares. If we can confirm that they're out there then that's good enough.
Hello terrible Jodie Foster film.
In a thread on another forum where a bud of mine posted about this, and as I stated in my appearent redundant thread, if this is a signal from another race, COOL! That means there could be more out there just waiting. It also means they may look at the other signals they only THINK are not real so are just sitting on some backup tape or something.
Or.. it could be some new anomoly(sp?) that no one has seen before. WHich still gets me excited, maybe more so than alien contact. I would much rather further OUR technology and understanding than get to know some unknown new race which we have no idea if they are friendly or hostile. They could be just like us... if you don't understand it, you destroy it then leave the remains to some scientists to figure out later.
The theory I keep hearing is that the more advanced a civilization is, the more peaceful? I find that statement in complete bull****. It's more like the more advanced you are, the more politics are involved. Unless you live in a dictatorship of some sort, in which fear and death are all you need. In which case, I DO NOT want to get to know the alien race whose own version of Hilter won and took over the world.
Either way, I still think we are at the very least many many years away from finding the so called "truth". Not to sound like some government conspirorist, but I wouldn't be surprised if SETI and whoever else is in on this has been... "ecouraged" to say this isn't a big find.
I agree with you RWB that encounting a race ruled by a dictator wouldn't be nice, though i disagree that an advanced civilization wouldn't be peacefull. A civilization that has reached many scientific advances would have to be peacefull in order to do so.
Just think how long we could have reached in the past 1000 years if we hadn't been so preoccupied hating and killing each other. Such a civilization would have made peace with itself prolly through quite a lot of politics that doesn't involve people getting hurt. Kinda like what happened in star trek even though i hope we don't have to go through world war 3 before that happens.