I tried the Windas solution on my too bright Dell 991. Dropping G2 from 114 to 100 helped. Brought up the brightness OSD to 50 and tried to change G2 to 90. Now I cannot power up the monitor at all. Pushing the power button causes the green light to come on for about a second then go out immediately. I used another monitor to open the original .dat file in Windas, but could not laod it to the 991 because Windas came up with as WSC error. Have I blown it with the 991? I was so close!
Depending on how 'too bright' it was, and how much you 'brought up the brightness' via OSD when you moved it up to 50 may have trigered the ABL_SHUTDOWN.
But, you seem to have lowered the G2? Did the G2 actually change to 90? What happened there?
Just showing something brigther on the screen can push the ABL over the edge (asuming you were already close to it )into ABL_SHUTDOWN.
The 'bright warmup problem' can also triger the ABL_SHUTDOWN, maybe it was that in combination with the increased OSD controlls brigthness.
Used Windas to reclibrate G2, lowered from 188 to 130. About right, but RED brightness (bias) way too high. Ran 'Color Return' and that brought down the red to acceptable levels. Still when looking a a dim gray background, red is way too much. Lowered Red Bias to zero and lowered a bit the Red Gain (from 50 to 40). Overall picture is a bit cool, but dark greys are still reddish.
I also noticed that the Brigntness controls now affect color temperature (red), so when I increase brightness Red increases quite a bit (warming the image quite a bit), and when decreasing brightness Red also decreasses (cooling the picture quite a bit).
I wonder what WinDas adjustments might bring the red gun under normal control.
Anybody used WinDas to recalibrate the white balance and black levels? Obviously the 'Color Return' is not that effective.
MPUing is under some one of the main menus, forget which. I don't think you need to do it, but, try it just in case. Maybe if you corrupted a dat upload, this would fix it as it sets everything back to defauts.And I mean, factory defaults (before fine tuning and calibration).
Failures is underneath the procedures menu.
Windas has no idea what, if anything, is connected to your video card. It's the monitor that won't communicate with windas when it's in standby. (Atleast, as I remember it)
I think, as long as there is a signal going to the monitor (the p991), you should be able to check failures. Checking them will clear them. It's probably worth a try to check it without the signal too.
ABL_SHUTDOWN does this kind of thing, where you can't power the monitor back up. Seem to be like what you're describing. Even though you didn't seem to crank up the brightness, perhaps the dat was messed up some how.
So, check procedures->failures, if that doesn't help , try the MPU opiton (under one of the main menus, not procedures). All monitors have these procedures, so they're on there somewhere . If it still doesn't help, make sure you have a signal going to the P991 , (second computer or dual head video card helps)perhaps you'll need to try it blind.
If all still fails... hmm, try leaving it unplugged? Try powering it up while holding the 'middle' OSD button, or the little OSD reset button (need to press it with your fingernail.)
I'm not sure if the first has any effect, but the second will reset your serialnumber and so maybe it might reset other settings.
It'd be nice if you could give more detail to exactly what you did before it started mis behaving. No seems to have had an un-fixable problem such as this before, maybe I can reproduce your steps.
Thanks for your responses. Just before my problem occured, I had changed my G2 successfully from 114 to 90, but wanted to tweak it a bit more. I admit I had a problem changing the values using notepad on my win98se machine. When I wrote the new .dat file via Windas, the monitor blanked as it should hae, but never came back on, That was when I determined that I couold no longer power it up. Pressing the power button allowe the green led to light for about a second, then it went out completely again, even if I held the power switch down. Is the MPU option activated by pressing one or more of the OSD monitor buttons, or is it in Windas? Also is checking failures a function of the monitor or within Windas? How can I do any checking if the monitor is not powered up? I will try the OSD reset. Thanks again
I would like to thank everyone in this forum. I bought a rs232 cable from a guy on ebay and connected it to my gdm-5410 monitor. With the help of Windas I lowered the G2 setting from 182 to 140 and now it is perfect! I have a P1130 right next to it and they are both great.
Thanks for your responses. Just before my problem occured, I had changed my G2 successfully from 114 to 90, but wanted to tweak it a bit more. I admit I had a problem changing the values using notepad on my win98se machine. When I wrote the new .dat file via Windas, the monitor blanked as it should hae, but never came back on, That was when I determined that I couold no longer power it up. Pressing the power button allowe the green led to light for about a second, then it went out completely again, even if I held the power switch down. Is the MPU option activated by pressing one or more of the OSD monitor buttons, or is it in Windas? Also is checking failures a function of the monitor or within Windas? How can I do any checking if the monitor is not powered up? I will try the OSD reset. Thanks again
Used Windas to reclibrate G2, lowered from 188 to 130. About right, but RED brightness (bias) way too high. Ran 'Color Return' and that brought down the red to acceptable levels. Still when looking a a dim gray background, red is way too much. Lowered Red Bias to zero and lowered a bit the Red Gain (from 50 to 40). Overall picture is a bit cool, but dark greys are still reddish.
I also noticed that the Brigntness controls now affect color temperature (red), so when I increase brightness Red increases quite a bit (warming the image quite a bit), and when decreasing brightness Red also decreasses (cooling the picture quite a bit).
I wonder what WinDas adjustments might bring the red gun under normal control.
Anybody used WinDas to recalibrate the white balance and black levels? Obviously the 'Color Return' is not that effective.
My red bias is at 0, so thanks but not relevant. Might have to lower bias in WinDas, but I suspect something else as red changes with brightness. I saw many monitors Dell and Others, show this type of behaviour...
I think I finally figured out how to do this (I hope) Anyway here goes. I purchased a ttl cable but I can't get the program to link up with my P1110 monitor. All it says is "can't connect the monitor check bus line and condition"
I checked the monitor to get the proper connection_ top pin ground,then 5volt, recieve RX then transmit TX. I took it apart to make sure. I took the cable apart to check the connections, they appear ok. The chip used is a ds14c232cm.Any help would be appreaciated very much.:D
PS I've never seen any info on setting the com port.
Assuming you have the port enabled in the bios (I think this configures the superIO chip on the motherboard to listen at the IO address that is standard for PC serial), there is a standard way to program the port settings and send/recieve data that hasn't changed since the PC specification back in 1982.
How windows offers this hardware capability to the application, and what it's 'comm port settings' under the 'controll panel' mean.... I am not sure.
I'd assume windows offers the application the ability to set baud rate and all that. Notice that HyperTerminal can specify these settings.
So assuming windows is offering the serial port as comport N, you shouldn't have to set the baud rate, flow controll, or any of that other stuff under the controll panel. Windas should set that up for it's use of the port.
As always, try different com ports, and settings, I don't know alot about how windows does this. So get some other serial thing to work before you blame something.
:bigggrin: Hello
Thank you to those who answered through e-mail. I notesed from reading the manual on winDas that it works only with win 95 & 98. Has anyone used it with 2k or XP? I have been trying to use 2000 pro, which may address the port differently. At this time I don't have a 98 machine running but I'll soon have one.I have 28 old Dell optiplex machines (350s). I just didn't want to go through the install over again. I used a serial mouse to check the serial port( the easy way)
thx again
Hello to Everybody!
Forst of all, many thanks for the great thread.
I'm an italian student (as you can see reading my bad english! :-D ), and I'm received a Sony Multiscan E500 with the "infamous" g2 problem.
My tension @ G2 point was 600V (Sony service manual see 512 v)...I'm waiting the rs232-TTL port but I had altro tried the solution with the resistor (I have find it in my shop in Cagliari, Sardinia). Only 10 Cents for every resistor...of course, I have buyed some of this, and I've found the better solution with a 6,8 MOhm one. Now G2 tension is 515v, almost perfect.
BUT...I noted that there are a lot of problems in the geometry. I dn't remember that there are those problems with the original R457-10 MOhm resistor..I'm not sure, but I think that before the "patch" there aren't this problems..
So, the question is: can Windas provide more geometric adjustment than the OSD options?
If yes, probably I can solve with WINDAS (of course, after replacing original resistor, and if the problem presist...).
I have read in the previous page that WINDAS provide more options (I don't have understand if it can provide also more options about convergence than the ones that there are in the menu-OSD...not only the Dynamic Convergence -that probably there isn't in E500- , but the possibility to divide vertical convergence in two parts, left and right...like the horizontal, that in my monitor had three options, general, upper and bottom...)
Does anyone that had used WINDAS known anything about this possibilities?
Moreover, another question, probably "quite OT"..
I have replaced the VR901 (if you had the scheme, you can note that is the varistor that provide EAT regulations).
So, now I had a poor High Voltage regulation. Sony specify that it is 27 KV, +- 0,1KV.
If I turn the trimmer too left or too right, the monitor shut down (of course..) and it enter in "power.safe" mode.
I don't have a very high tension probe for my meter to measure this tension....
So,how I can measure and set the correct voltage? Thare is any SAFE option?
Thank you!
I bought a Sony 24" FW900 from craigslist recently that had the too bright problem with trace lines showing. Read thru this thread and the one on [H]ardforums. Ordered the cable from the ebay guy in Canada. Following all the different instructions was able to lower the G2 from 150 to 120 and it made all the difference.
Running 53% bright and 62% contrast now.
A couple of things to note. My RX & TX cables were labeled backwards so I wasted quite a bit of time figuring this out. Checked the monitor specs, control board, and forum listings before determining this. Was getting a cable error before. Also after making the changes, I used the Expert/Viewer in WinDas to look at the new file and confirm the value had been changed before uploading the file. I also used Explorer/properties to match the bit count of the files. It worked flawlessly. I did not have to finalize anything.
I did use the same computer the monitor was hooked to without using a second monitor. When I downloaded the original file, the monitor blanked and shut off for about a minute and then came back on. When I uploaded the new file, the result was the same blanking and cutting off, then restarting after about a minute or so. Don't touch any of the buttons, it works on it's own.
Before changing the G2 my monitor would not make the color correction. It would start the process, blank, and cutoff. After G2 it ran color correction perfectly.
The picture is now great-Thanks to all who contributed. Doug
Just picked up a used dell p1110 and it had the brightness issue. I didn't want to spend the money or wait on a cable so I did the resistor mod. I used 5 1Mohm resitors in series covered with heat shrink. Works Great! I couldn't get into the service menu like some others posted. Does that actually work on the p1110?
Ok I have a HP P1110 and i can access the service menu and lower the G2 value their. So i take it i really dont need the win das software at all since there is no majour problems with my monitor that i can see?
I had my monitor pritty much set the way i liked it but I could only see a black square in p991 Del sonys avator, So i started messing with it I was able to see the first message and just make out the second message by increasing the brightness but no matter what i do i cannot read the last message, Does this indicate a problem?
The problem i have is I have no reference to set the monitor too! What is the ideal settings for the monitor? What is the factory default settings? I take it i should be aiming to see the first two messages in the avator picture? But if i set it so that this is the case it just seems too bright for me. Is their no referance picture i can use to adjust the settings to the ideal value?
Right now i have g2 set to 77, brightness to 40%, contrast to 75% and color at 6500k since i like a slightly warmer pic, It looks pritty good at this value but still seems too intense for my eyes as i use the pc in low light or darkness. I can make out the first message and very vaugly see second.
Just picked up a used dell p1110 and it had the brightness issue. I didn't want to spend the money or wait on a cable so I did the resistor mod. I used 5 1Mohm resitors in series covered with heat shrink. Works Great! I couldn't get into the service menu like some others posted. Does that actually work on the p1110?
I think it only works on Hewlett Packard p1110 versions. Iv tried it on 2 other HP ones at work and fixed the brightness problems with those two.
:bigggrin: I am so happy I could ----
My beautiful sony monitor works again. Here is a short list of things I learned:
#1 Buy a cable from the author of the instructions.
#2 Don't buy from SuperDroid Robots they evedently don't check their work.
#3 The program seems to work with win 98, 98se, XP, XP pro.I tested these.
#4 Try to get everything downloded beforehand so that the project goes smoothly and faster.
I am getting togather a disk with all the files needed that I can e-mail an iso to those that want it, I will let you know when available. Thanks again to all who e-mailed and answered my cries for help.
One question does anyone know how to do other adjustments with windas?
I am new to this forum but have followed this thread with interest for a while.
I hope this posting is relevant to you.
I recently bought a good second hand Dell P1130 from a foreign student who recently graduated in architecture. Nice to have rich parents I suppose.
I have performed a simple casing mod so that I could access the ECS port at the rear of the monitor, and then close this opening with a grommet once I was done with the windas calibration. The results look very professional and it all fitted together perfectly.
All that is required is to drill a 7/8 ths inch hole in the correct location and to fit the grommet. I chose the 7/8 ths inch size (22mm) because of the needed access opening size, the nominal grommet sizes and most importantly so the grommet groove was big enough to straddle the casing thickness.
The photos of the mod are attached. The image quality was lowered slightly to allow for posting.
Hello.. recently i buy an adapter (ttl rs232) from a guy
but it doesn't work. he said me that he test the adapter and works, but now with my monitor (SGI GDM-5411 I think is a Sony G-500 chassis based monitor)
the question is:
I must connect the db9 DCE+DTE+DCD or some combination, or only and only connect the TX/RX ?
i see my adapter and the db9 has some of the DCD,DTE,DTR soldered between them =/
maybe that's the problem ?
I see some diagrams where the DCD DTE are connected to simulate "loopback" but i think is not necessary to this type of adapter
I want to repair mi monitor i use the "color restore" option and some time later it goes TOO BRIGHTER like problems descripted on this thread, retrace lines included (and some strange focus when the content of the windows is white background and I maximize it)
I'm the originator of this thread - haven't been back here in a while - can't believe how it's grown!!!! WOW! Very cool that so many people were able to benefit from this.
I'm back to ask a few more questions...hope none of these are redundant (it's too much to go back and read through all the comments up here!):
(1) I did the resistor mod way back when and it helped quite a bit but the monitor is still a bit on the bright side, especially during warmup. Can I still try the WINDAS solution even after doing the resistor change?
(2) I recently inherited another PC and I am running that one in conjunction with my old one, both hooked up to my DELL monitor, and I'm using the 1/2 switch on the front of the monitor to switch between them. However I notice that the switch doesn't work very well. To get to "2" I often have to switch it back and forth multiple times, even put pressure on it. But going back to "1" works every time smoothly. Anyone else have this problem or suggestions to make it work better?
(3) After switching over to "2" I notice that the monitor does not look as good as on "1". It is a bit blurry. I haven't tried PC1 via the "2" connection to rule out a problem with PC 2 itself, but I did hook up a different monitor to PC 2 and that looked fine so I don't think it is an issue with PC2. I suspect the Dell is blurry on the "2" setting for some reason though. Perhaps the driver that PC2 uses for the Dell itself is screwy (?). PC2 is running XP and has a "rage128pro ultra GL AGP" card. Perhaps I need to tweak something??? Any ideas?
I'm the originator of this thread - haven't been back here in a while - can't believe how it's grown!!!! WOW! Very cool that so many people were able to benefit from this.
I think you can do the windas process ... but better desold the resistor
you can do it with resistor too. but... i prefer to leave the monitor original without added or modified parts
I resolved my problem!
tired with trying to do work the cable, I broke my old siemens A56 data cable, and use the gnd, tx, and rx cables =) i connect to the monitor, serial, do the windas procedement and wooooorkssss.......
I before get some error
such as
"NG! NG! NG!" some error
and get some blank file from monitor (and takes too much to download)
I try with monitor connected to the vga, and works well.. file download faster, and with settings OK, so I modified the file, upload, and works again well, with bright corrected
before: 193
after: 170 I think =)
so, if you get errors when downlaoding the data file from monitor, try with monitor connected to a computer
by some strange reason (or no strange but i dont know) if you try to use windas with monitor unconnected to any signal get there errors
and file download takes time, and is with all settings in "0"
good luck!!
if i were no persistant, i think would spend much money
(english bad I know. but I dont speak english xD )
try to probe the monitor in the 2 input
and try to do the windas "bright repair":) with different inputs..
windas works in win xp sp2 without any changes
reduce g2 from 105 to 80
brightness is ok but convergence is now the problem
from menu is set to 0 but is not enough
what can i do? is any changes in windas to fix that?
thank you
Moreover, another question, probably "quite OT"..
I have replaced the VR901 (if you had the scheme, you can note that is the varistor that provide EAT regulations).
So, now I had a poor High Voltage regulation. Sony specify that it is 27 KV, +- 0,1KV.
If I turn the trimmer too left or too right, the monitor shut down (of course..) and it enter in "power.safe" mode.
I don't have a very high tension probe for my meter to measure this tension....
So,how I can measure and set the correct voltage? Thare is any SAFE option?
Thank you!
I just noticed that there was an EHT varistor..... (I should have noticed that a long time ago, or have read your post when you posted it long ago.)
G2 isn't what is causing the warmup problem. Infact... this whole thing probably isn't a G2 problem.
Does adjusting it help with fixing your problems (assuming you use your default settings)?
Maybe windas isn't necessary afterall. All we need to do is tweak the EHT varistor.
Oh, and if anyone is talking about monitor drivers keep in mind that there is no such thing. There are video modes, and that is it. Atleast as far as analog VGA goes. The .INF files contain the timings for the non standtard video modes (like with the fw900). There is DDE/DDC? but that is a standtard for all monitors/cards and I'm not sure whether it allows to write.... usually... it's not used.
About not being able to see all the messages on my avatar without ruining black level:
I can't do it either... it's very hard to do it. It has to do with G2, G1s, and EHT probably. As if there is anything else controlling brightness.
There's also having messages on pure brightest white, written in one shade darker white. I should make a test pattern for that too.
Thene there's gamma and linearity throughout the whole grayscale... patterns exist for this, but it's still one of those things I don't think is made reall easy.
:bigggrin: I am so happy I could ----
My beautiful sony monitor works again. Here is a short list of things I learned:
#1 Buy a cable from the author of the instructions.
#2 Don't buy from SuperDroid Robots they evedently don't check their work.
#3 The program seems to work with win 98, 98se, XP, XP pro.I tested these.
#4 Try to get everything downloded beforehand so that the project goes smoothly and faster.
I am getting togather a disk with all the files needed that I can e-mail an iso to those that want it, I will let you know when available. Thanks again to all who e-mailed and answered my cries for help.
One question does anyone know how to do other adjustments with windas?
Yay!!! So this is a bootable ISO so that we can just plug and play, one computer, no setup?
I'd love to link to it from my howto. Speaking of which... hmm June is almost here, and I'll have the new version posted.
For those without CD burners... maybe we can squeze the DOS das onto a floppy.
Hopefully Sony isn't going to get mad about this. Prime Suspect asked Sony about it... I never heard what their response was beyond that they forwarded the querry to some other department.
There were some guys on Hard Forum who made an installer for it. I'm going to link to that with the new howto, but I'm leaving the 'manual' instructions up there incase they want to see where the thing came from.
hi, can i fix a dell monitor model p1110 with a little sync problem with windas???, the problem is tha the straight lines (vertical or horizontal) seems to have a "gosth" (2 lines insteed of 1).
I also have a Sony Multiscan G500 which appears to be much to bright although with brightness and luminosity levels at 0.
I installed Windas and all other extractible programms and .dll but it keep saying:
"Astro SG is not used. Please check configuration !"
"No mdl Files".
I extracted and install Astro.exe and the subsequent programm (there is another programm in the extracted files). mdl files also present in the folder of Windas.exe.
I have a Dell P1130 and it's very crisp exept for the left and right sides of the monitor. About 2" from the sides at the top of the screen its a little blurry. It's hard to see but with contrast 100% its alot easier to notice it, especially if you are running a program like ventrilo or MSN with grey text.
Is it possible to adjust the focus on this monitor?
How about the service menu or removing the case?
Anyone with knowledge about this monitor please post a comment.
Depending on how 'too bright' it was, and how much you 'brought up the brightness' via OSD when you moved it up to 50 may have trigered the ABL_SHUTDOWN.
But, you seem to have lowered the G2? Did the G2 actually change to 90? What happened there?
Just showing something brigther on the screen can push the ABL over the edge (asuming you were already close to it )into ABL_SHUTDOWN.
The 'bright warmup problem' can also triger the ABL_SHUTDOWN, maybe it was that in combination with the increased OSD controlls brigthness.
Used Windas to reclibrate G2, lowered from 188 to 130. About right, but RED brightness (bias) way too high. Ran 'Color Return' and that brought down the red to acceptable levels. Still when looking a a dim gray background, red is way too much. Lowered Red Bias to zero and lowered a bit the Red Gain (from 50 to 40). Overall picture is a bit cool, but dark greys are still reddish.
I also noticed that the Brigntness controls now affect color temperature (red), so when I increase brightness Red increases quite a bit (warming the image quite a bit), and when decreasing brightness Red also decreasses (cooling the picture quite a bit).
I wonder what WinDas adjustments might bring the red gun under normal control.
Anybody used WinDas to recalibrate the white balance and black levels? Obviously the 'Color Return' is not that effective.
Thanks for your responses. Just before my problem occured, I had changed my G2 successfully from 114 to 90, but wanted to tweak it a bit more. I admit I had a problem changing the values using notepad on my win98se machine. When I wrote the new .dat file via Windas, the monitor blanked as it should hae, but never came back on, That was when I determined that I couold no longer power it up. Pressing the power button allowe the green led to light for about a second, then it went out completely again, even if I held the power switch down. Is the MPU option activated by pressing one or more of the OSD monitor buttons, or is it in Windas? Also is checking failures a function of the monitor or within Windas? How can I do any checking if the monitor is not powered up? I will try the OSD reset. Thanks again
I think I finally figured out how to do this
I checked the monitor to get the proper connection_ top pin ground,then 5volt, recieve RX then transmit TX. I took it apart to make sure. I took the cable apart to check the connections, they appear ok. The chip used is a ds14c232cm.Any help would be appreaciated very much.:D
PS I've never seen any info on setting the com port.
Assuming you have the port enabled in the bios (I think this configures the superIO chip on the motherboard to listen at the IO address that is standard for PC serial), there is a standard way to program the port settings and send/recieve data that hasn't changed since the PC specification back in 1982.
How windows offers this hardware capability to the application, and what it's 'comm port settings' under the 'controll panel' mean.... I am not sure.
I'd assume windows offers the application the ability to set baud rate and all that. Notice that HyperTerminal can specify these settings.
So assuming windows is offering the serial port as comport N, you shouldn't have to set the baud rate, flow controll, or any of that other stuff under the controll panel. Windas should set that up for it's use of the port.
As always, try different com ports, and settings, I don't know alot about how windows does this. So get some other serial thing to work before you blame something.
Thank you to those who answered through e-mail. I notesed from reading the manual on winDas that it works only with win 95 & 98. Has anyone used it with 2k or XP? I have been trying to use 2000 pro, which may address the port differently. At this time I don't have a 98 machine running but I'll soon have one.I have 28 old Dell optiplex machines (350s). I just didn't want to go through the install over again. I used a serial mouse to check the serial port( the easy way)
thx again
Forst of all, many thanks for the great thread.
I'm an italian student (as you can see reading my bad english! :-D ), and I'm received a Sony Multiscan E500 with the "infamous" g2 problem.
My tension @ G2 point was 600V (Sony service manual see 512 v)...I'm waiting the rs232-TTL port but I had altro tried the solution with the resistor (I have find it in my shop in Cagliari, Sardinia). Only 10 Cents for every resistor...of course, I have buyed some of this, and I've found the better solution with a 6,8 MOhm one. Now G2 tension is 515v, almost perfect.
BUT...I noted that there are a lot of problems in the geometry. I dn't remember that there are those problems with the original R457-10 MOhm resistor..I'm not sure, but I think that before the "patch" there aren't this problems..
So, the question is: can Windas provide more geometric adjustment than the OSD options?
If yes, probably I can solve with WINDAS (of course, after replacing original resistor, and if the problem presist...).
I have read in the previous page that WINDAS provide more options (I don't have understand if it can provide also more options about convergence than the ones that there are in the menu-OSD...not only the Dynamic Convergence -that probably there isn't in E500- , but the possibility to divide vertical convergence in two parts, left and right...like the horizontal, that in my monitor had three options, general, upper and bottom...)
Does anyone that had used WINDAS known anything about this possibilities?
Moreover, another question, probably "quite OT"..
I have replaced the VR901 (if you had the scheme, you can note that is the varistor that provide EAT regulations).
So, now I had a poor High Voltage regulation. Sony specify that it is 27 KV, +- 0,1KV.
If I turn the trimmer too left or too right, the monitor shut down (of course..) and it enter in "power.safe" mode.
I don't have a very high tension probe for my meter to measure this tension....
So,how I can measure and set the correct voltage? Thare is any SAFE option?
Thank you!
Running 53% bright and 62% contrast now.
A couple of things to note. My RX & TX cables were labeled backwards so I wasted quite a bit of time figuring this out. Checked the monitor specs, control board, and forum listings before determining this. Was getting a cable error before. Also after making the changes, I used the Expert/Viewer in WinDas to look at the new file and confirm the value had been changed before uploading the file. I also used Explorer/properties to match the bit count of the files. It worked flawlessly. I did not have to finalize anything.
I did use the same computer the monitor was hooked to without using a second monitor. When I downloaded the original file, the monitor blanked and shut off for about a minute and then came back on. When I uploaded the new file, the result was the same blanking and cutting off, then restarting after about a minute or so. Don't touch any of the buttons, it works on it's own.
Before changing the G2 my monitor would not make the color correction. It would start the process, blank, and cutoff. After G2 it ran color correction perfectly.
The picture is now great-Thanks to all who contributed. Doug
I had my monitor pritty much set the way i liked it but I could only see a black square in p991 Del sonys avator, So i started messing with it I was able to see the first message and just make out the second message by increasing the brightness but no matter what i do i cannot read the last message, Does this indicate a problem?
The problem i have is I have no reference to set the monitor too! What is the ideal settings for the monitor? What is the factory default settings? I take it i should be aiming to see the first two messages in the avator picture? But if i set it so that this is the case it just seems too bright for me. Is their no referance picture i can use to adjust the settings to the ideal value?
Right now i have g2 set to 77, brightness to 40%, contrast to 75% and color at 6500k since i like a slightly warmer pic, It looks pritty good at this value but still seems too intense for my eyes as i use the pc in low light or darkness. I can make out the first message and very vaugly see second.
I think it only works on Hewlett Packard p1110 versions. Iv tried it on 2 other HP ones at work and fixed the brightness problems with those two.
Thank you!
My beautiful sony monitor works again. Here is a short list of things I learned:
#1 Buy a cable from the author of the instructions.
#2 Don't buy from SuperDroid Robots they evedently don't check their work.
#3 The program seems to work with win 98, 98se, XP, XP pro.I tested these.
#4 Try to get everything downloded beforehand so that the project goes smoothly and faster.
I am getting togather a disk with all the files needed that I can e-mail an iso to those that want it, I will let you know when available. Thanks again to all who e-mailed and answered my cries for help.
One question does anyone know how to do other adjustments with windas?
Thank you, wilshel.
I' ve seen the list,sort by chassis, only in a second time...
Thank you again! :-)
I hope this posting is relevant to you.
I recently bought a good second hand Dell P1130 from a foreign student who recently graduated in architecture. Nice to have rich parents I suppose.
I have performed a simple casing mod so that I could access the ECS port at the rear of the monitor, and then close this opening with a grommet once I was done with the windas calibration. The results look very professional and it all fitted together perfectly.
All that is required is to drill a 7/8 ths inch hole in the correct location and to fit the grommet. I chose the 7/8 ths inch size (22mm) because of the needed access opening size, the nominal grommet sizes and most importantly so the grommet groove was big enough to straddle the casing thickness.
The photos of the mod are attached. The image quality was lowered slightly to allow for posting.
but it doesn't work. he said me that he test the adapter and works, but now with my monitor (SGI GDM-5411 I think is a Sony G-500 chassis based monitor)
the question is:
I must connect the db9 DCE+DTE+DCD or some combination, or only and only connect the TX/RX ?
i see my adapter and the db9 has some of the DCD,DTE,DTR soldered between them =/
maybe that's the problem ?
I see some diagrams where the DCD DTE are connected to simulate "loopback" but i think is not necessary to this type of adapter
I want to repair mi monitor
I'm back to ask a few more questions...hope none of these are redundant (it's too much to go back and read through all the comments up here!):
(1) I did the resistor mod way back when and it helped quite a bit but the monitor is still a bit on the bright side, especially during warmup. Can I still try the WINDAS solution even after doing the resistor change?
(2) I recently inherited another PC and I am running that one in conjunction with my old one, both hooked up to my DELL monitor, and I'm using the 1/2 switch on the front of the monitor to switch between them. However I notice that the switch doesn't work very well. To get to "2" I often have to switch it back and forth multiple times, even put pressure on it. But going back to "1" works every time smoothly. Anyone else have this problem or suggestions to make it work better?
(3) After switching over to "2" I notice that the monitor does not look as good as on "1". It is a bit blurry. I haven't tried PC1 via the "2" connection to rule out a problem with PC 2 itself, but I did hook up a different monitor to PC 2 and that looked fine so I don't think it is an issue with PC2. I suspect the Dell is blurry on the "2" setting for some reason though. Perhaps the driver that PC2 uses for the Dell itself is screwy (?). PC2 is running XP and has a "rage128pro ultra GL AGP" card. Perhaps I need to tweak something??? Any ideas?
I think you can do the windas process ... but better desold the resistor
you can do it with resistor too. but... i prefer to leave the monitor original without added or modified parts
I resolved my problem!
tired with trying to do work the cable, I broke my old siemens A56 data cable, and use the gnd, tx, and rx cables =) i connect to the monitor, serial, do the windas procedement and wooooorkssss.......
I before get some error
such as
"NG! NG! NG!" some error
and get some blank file from monitor (and takes too much to download)
I try with monitor connected to the vga, and works well.. file download faster, and with settings OK, so I modified the file, upload, and works again well, with bright corrected
before: 193
after: 170 I think =)
so, if you get errors when downlaoding the data file from monitor, try with monitor connected to a computer
by some strange reason (or no strange but i dont know) if you try to use windas with monitor unconnected to any signal get there errors
and file download takes time, and is with all settings in "0"
good luck!!
if i were no persistant, i think would spend much money
(english bad I know. but I dont speak english xD )
try to probe the monitor in the 2 input
and try to do the windas "bright repair":) with different inputs..
this thread save my life X:bigggrin:
windas works in win xp sp2 without any changes
reduce g2 from 105 to 80
brightness is ok but convergence is now the problem
from menu is set to 0 but is not enough
what can i do? is any changes in windas to fix that?
thank you
I just noticed that there was an EHT varistor..... (I should have noticed that a long time ago, or have read your post when you posted it long ago.)
G2 isn't what is causing the warmup problem. Infact... this whole thing probably isn't a G2 problem.
Does adjusting it help with fixing your problems (assuming you use your default settings)?
Maybe windas isn't necessary afterall. All we need to do is tweak the EHT varistor.
Oh, and if anyone is talking about monitor drivers keep in mind that there is no such thing. There are video modes, and that is it. Atleast as far as analog VGA goes. The .INF files contain the timings for the non standtard video modes (like with the fw900). There is DDE/DDC? but that is a standtard for all monitors/cards and I'm not sure whether it allows to write.... usually... it's not used.
About not being able to see all the messages on my avatar without ruining black level:
I can't do it either... it's very hard to do it. It has to do with G2, G1s, and EHT probably. As if there is anything else controlling brightness.
There's also having messages on pure brightest white, written in one shade darker white. I should make a test pattern for that too.
Thene there's gamma and linearity throughout the whole grayscale... patterns exist for this, but it's still one of those things I don't think is made reall easy.
Yay!!! So this is a bootable ISO so that we can just plug and play, one computer, no setup?
I'd love to link to it from my howto. Speaking of which... hmm June is almost here, and I'll have the new version posted.
For those without CD burners... maybe we can squeze the DOS das onto a floppy.
Hopefully Sony isn't going to get mad about this. Prime Suspect asked Sony about it... I never heard what their response was beyond that they forwarded the querry to some other department.
There were some guys on Hard Forum who made an installer for it. I'm going to link to that with the new howto, but I'm leaving the 'manual' instructions up there incase they want to see where the thing came from.
Pd: sorry abot my english but im from Chile :P
I installed Windas and all other extractible programms and .dll but it keep saying:
"Astro SG is not used. Please check configuration !"
"No mdl Files".
I extracted and install Astro.exe and the subsequent programm (there is another programm in the extracted files). mdl files also present in the folder of Windas.exe.
Can anyone help me with it?
Is it possible to adjust the focus on this monitor?
How about the service menu or removing the case?
Anyone with knowledge about this monitor please post a comment.