Comments on system

RobRob Detroit, MI
edited September 2004 in Hardware
Hey guys,

Since I stoped in to ask around about a new video card, I started to feel like it's time to upgrade my gaming machine. I rarely play, and when I do it's only CS and now CS:S, so it's been neglected for some time.

So, this is what I came up with. I'm a linux guy, so this machine does nothing but play a game or two now and then, nothing else.

I started digging in my parts bin and pulled out,

3000XP I bought it to certify some new server platforms I designed, but since everyone's ordered 2500's so its been sitting here for a couple months now.

KM400 board. Works great as a server, everything onboard and reliable. Game machine?????

512M DDR single stick, can't think of a reason for more on a machine that just plays one game.

LSI 2 channel SCSI raid card, 128M cache. It's been on the shelf forever and a day, probably hasn't been touched in a year so I figure why not????

10K IBM 18G should be enough for what I do, windows install, game. I only have one in the bin, and think scsi raid may be too much. The PCI buss on this is going to saturate with anything crazy anyway.

SB Live out of the old system

40G IDE out of the old system, backup my laptop now and then ;)

Cd burner, DVD, floppy, out of the old. blah blah

Wireless network card? I have one, it sucks ass. Maybe I should check in the network forum and see whats working good for everyone else.

The only thing I need to buy is a video card. I started a thread about it here
I'm on the fence so far. I need something that I can plug in and not think about for another couple years, but at the same time can't see over-paying when a more economical card will work just as well.

I think thats about it. Comments, suggestions, opinions? I've also got a 4 channel IDE raid card, but kinda short on drives and I use about 100x more IDE's than scsi. The scsi gear will probably sit there another year if I don't use it.

I think the biggest ???'s are the mobo and wireless card, but I'm open to opinions on the lot.


  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    Rob ...

    As I know you.. what you will run and how you will use it..

    If that's what you got.. it will work just great..the only real logical upgrade is to an Athlon 64.. for which you wouldn't gain that much performance.

    Just upgrade the vid card.. install your usual tricked out Linux install.. and ya done ;)
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    Heh, this one's windows only. Wouldn't want to polute a good workstation ;)

    This is just a gaming machine, it will sit under my desk idle until the urge strikes.

    I think the KM400 will do OK. I spent about a hour last night looking at athlon64 gear, and couldnt justify it over a 3000XP that's just sitting here. I also thought about getting a board, but I'll give this one a shot.

    I do think the scsi raid card and drive will give a good snap to it though. Not only the drive, but those cards rock pretty hard.
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited September 2004
    Wait, so this is a game machine?
    What video card? And why bother with SCSI. I've got SCSI drivese- they're not going to make a big difference for games.
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    Yes, its just for games. I use a laptop for my workstation so I can transport from my desk into the datacenter. Any compiling I just do on a server.

    Why SCSI? Cause I have it. It's been sitting here forever, usually if I need a SCSI array, I just order it with the server from Dell. Some of the higher end servers it's not worth the bother to piece them together. It does give a really snappy feel to the whole system, but I think a part of that is the controller as much as the SCSI drive. I can either use it, or let it sit and collect dust for another year before I throw it out, which would you do ?? Overall, I much prefer a scsi system to an IDE or SATA. Benchmarks mean squat, in real use scsi is a luxury if you have them.

    I don't know what Video card yet, I started an entire thread about that. I really don't know enough about current models to make an intellegent decision.
  • CreepCreep Hell Icrontian
    edited September 2004
    Great Video card

    Might as well fold for 93!

    and your folding user name is "CreepingDeath" without quotes and the team number is 93
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    Thanks Creep. I was actually just looking at that exact card on newegg. ATI has left a sour taste in my mouth from looong ago, but this seems to be a good price point card. I'm still half looking at the 6800GT, but it just seems like too much $$$ for a video card if a ~$250 one would work just as well.

    As for the folding, I'll think about it ;)
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited September 2004
    For $250-$300, get a regular 6800.

    Yeah, if you've got the SCSI drive sitting around, you might as well go for it. Personally, I've got 15 SCSI drives, the vast majority of which are 10k drives. I don't use a single one. Part of it may be the controller I have (an Adaptec 29160) but my IDE drives are faster, and a hell of a lot quieter.

    Why are you going with a Via KM400-based board? Why not just get an NF7-S or something? I realize you have the KM400 sitting around, but... ugh. On the other hand, I'm kind of biased. The only good chipset Via has ever made imo is the Pro266T.
  • RobRob Detroit, MI
    edited September 2004
    Good chipset for what? Overclocking? Benchmarking? I'm not a hobbiest, which is what Shorty was trying to say.

    I've got a KM266 that's been in service 24/7 for almost 2 years now, without a single crash once, ever.... Seems like a good chipset to me, and the KM400's have been working out OK so far. If they work out half as well, I'll be happy.

    I buy them because they have onboard lan and video. Both will be disabled on this machine, but I can't see a reason to replace it yet. I've gone through about $15K in hardware in the last 2 months, this is just what's laying around. I really can't see any reason to replace it without something causing a major conflict. Socket A, 8x AGP, that's about the extent of the requirements. If I'm missing something let me know, but the fact you can't clock it to 9999Mhz really doesn't mean much to me.

    If your IDE's are faster, then you definatly have a problem. I admit, most people don't have a $1,000 SCSI raid controller just laying around, and that is a big part of the 'feel'. I definatly wouldn't recommend spending that much on a new controller for a new build. But, SCSI has always been a more consistant system under loads. Much more friendlier to use, even if its only one or two hours a month. If I didn't have it, I wouldn't buy it. I would spend it on the video before the drive. But, to say an IDE would be faster is insane. Benchmarks only show half of the truth between SCSI and IDE.
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