Gigabyte 3D Rocket Pro Cooler

MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
edited June 2006 in Science & Tech
It's efficient, impressive and quiet. That's a triple in the heatsink game and Gigabyte's in a good position to steal home.

Read it here


  • edited September 2004
    The Rocket airflow directs air out the bottom of the heatsink to be deflected by a cowling to wash over the surrounding components around the CPU socket.
    This, theoretically, aids in extending the life of the capacitors around the heatsink. Gigabyte states that a 10 degree Celsius increase in capacitor temperature will cut capacitor lifetime in half.

    OK NOW what doesn't seem right? Lets push hot air over components so it can extend the life??? I think it's a bad design(air should be up), To extend life of proceesor AND motherboard
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited September 2004
    You're forgetting that there's little to no airflow across said components in a normal setup. Some airflow is better than no airflow in this case, even if the air is a little warm.

    Also, the air shouldn't be very warm; if the heatsink is really good, the air coming off of it will be almost room temperature.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited September 2004
    Yeah even if the Air coming out is 60C it will most likely be cooler than those MOSFETS.
  • edited June 2006
    Very good and eficient cooler.. As for the rocket fins... just remove them.
    You will get about 2-3 degrees celsius of the CPU and you will signifiantly reduce noise at high speeds. As for the mosfets and capacitors.. they sill get a good air circulation around them because the cooler also sucks air from underneath (from the base near the CPU) and that ensures air circulation. They will get a little hotter than with the fins on, but not by much.
    Personaly I would have like it better if the cooler whould have had aluminium fins all the way. I think it would have been more eficient that way but that whould have been bad for the publicity. The cooler whould have looked doll.
  • edited June 2006
    Holy Lazurus Batman! A guest has resurected the dead (thread)!!
  • edited June 2006
    I'm gonna follow his lead cause he makes a good point about the fins. The old version didnt have em, I have one cooling an older AXP machine. There is a copper version too that looked nice.
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