Project DeepFreeze

Thrax takes us into the frigid depths of supercooling. It's an absolutely excellent read.
"I had no such need (Or a wallet) for a device so elegant. In exchange for complexity and cost I employed an ultimately simple, relatively inexpensive, and short-term solution to get the absolute most out of my computer.
Riding upon the basic principle of dialectic fluid (That is fluid that is electrically neutral) that exhibits high heat-transfer and dissipation qualities, as well as employing solidified carbon dioxide (Dry ice), I submerged the core components of an overclockable system in an attempt to take it well below 0°F and overclock it."
Stay frosty here
"I had no such need (Or a wallet) for a device so elegant. In exchange for complexity and cost I employed an ultimately simple, relatively inexpensive, and short-term solution to get the absolute most out of my computer.
Riding upon the basic principle of dialectic fluid (That is fluid that is electrically neutral) that exhibits high heat-transfer and dissipation qualities, as well as employing solidified carbon dioxide (Dry ice), I submerged the core components of an overclockable system in an attempt to take it well below 0°F and overclock it."
Stay frosty here
That must have been cool in many ways.
Also, video of all of this otw.
One niggling thing that we both missed on the front page:
"To test my hypothesis, I placed my computer into a polystyrene container, pour the liquid on top of it, and then place the dry ice into the container. When the liquid was decently cool, I booted the system and monitor temperatures. When the temperatures..."
Should be:
"To test my hypothesis, I placed my computer into a polystyrene container, poured the liquid on top of it, and then placde the dry ice into the container. When the liquid was decently cool, I booted the system and monitored temperatures. When the temperatures..."
The tenses were FUBARed.
Should have OCed the crap out of it when it was under.
Goddamn... this is a fantastic article.. you are nuts!
whoah whoah whoah... the K7N2 doesn't have locked PCI/AGP clocks? I thought the nForce2 chipset did that by default... unless MSI is buying special chips from nVidia, how could they unlock the PCI/AGP buses on a chipset that's supposed to lock them?
I have run electronics in mineral oil (baby oil), Flurinert, Krytox and PAO synthetic oil. No problemo, as long as you can keep condensation out.
Did you have any trouble with the fans? They would pull a lot more load in a fluid than in air. That would be my main concern.
You may need to clean your stuff more often. Now that it is oily it will trap more dust. And there is no solvent for these oils.
What I meant to say was that it had an a2 revision and wouldn't go over 180 FSB (I mentioned the A2 in the article).
The OptiCool fluid is great. Wipes right off, and the rest evaporates in a week.
Done buddy
I also wonder if my Grandfather would notice me trying to make off with a 55 gallon drum of dielectric fluid from the EDM department @ the shop...
Save target as: 56mb, DiVX 5.0.5, 10:22 in length
I try saving the link and its dead. Try left clicking and get a 404 page.
This will also work
And thank you.