
ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
edited August 2003 in Community
Signatures are temporarily disabled

I've had no choice. The new folding sigs were not loading correctly and causing page timeouts/jscript errors. There are simply too many of them in use, to go round and just remove them from profiles :(

We are working on it and all should be resolved in no time :)

Sorry peeps!


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2003
    You'll get it soon, I'm sure.

    Happy Hunting! :wave:


    Temp Sig:
    WU: 92,315
    Points: 780,463.00
    Rank: Even better than #1, just friggin awesome, that's what
  • NecropolisNecropolis Hawarden, Wales Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Remember <a href="; target="new">here</a> when I warned you what would happen if Judge Dredd disappeared :mad:. Well, its happened mate, I am on the next train down to Cambridge to give you the beating off your life.

    Only kidding mate ;) Hope you get it sorted soon.
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2003

  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited August 2003
    I saw the new one that is directly hosted on short-media. Compared to ver 2.5a, the v1.2.0 script is simply overbuilt

    Version 2.5a

    < script type="text/javascript" src="||1||430x34|1|0|1|1|000000|0|0|2">< /script>

    Version v1.2.0 (newer version on teamshort-media)

    <!--DO NOT EDIT:START-->< script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">var FHJSLoaded;if(!FHJSLoaded)document.write("< scr"+"ipt language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"\&quot; type=\"text/javascript\">< \/scr"+"ipt>");FHJSLoaded=true;</script>< script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">var FHisLoaded;if( FHisLoaded)document.write(FHOut("1%Icrontic2%Icrontic2%2%% %-1%10%Verdana,Geneva%480%34%10%0%0%1%%%%%"));if( !FHisLoaded)document.write("< table width=\"480\" height=\"34\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"10\" background=\"\">&lt; tr>< td width=\"460\" height=\"14\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\" nowrap>< font face=\"Verdana,Geneva,Helvetica,sans-serif\" size=\"1\" color=\"#000000\">Stats server is down< br>< \/font>< \/td>< \/tr>< \/table>");< /script>< noscript>< img src="; width="480" height="34">< /noscript><!--DO NOT EDIT:END-->

    I know that v2.5a is in use more, but there is a thing called KISS, and why does v1.2.0 have so much more code in it? For those using v1.2.0 that might be whats causing the problem. Oh, and the stars aren't all that important anyway.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    danball1976 said
    I saw the new one that is directly hosted on short-media. Compared to ver 2.5a, the v1.2.0 script is simply overbuilt

    They are two totally different scripts.

    Ver 2.5a was a simple stats script to produce signatures only. It is a great generator built to serve a need for sigs while the main generator was being constructed.

    Ver 1.2.0 is a considerably more complicated system. It produces milestones, the stars/cogs system and various other parts that are integrated and advanced stats.

    It is not overbuilt.
    danball1976 said
    Oh, and the stars aren't all that important anyway.

    Uh huh. So you can produce a fully statistical system that can produce signatures for all users, scale to suit the needs of the team, will automatically submit milestones and achievements to the team leaders. Your script can also cope with custom dimension images and produce ratings based upon the milestone system.

    Please rewrite months of work and submit it. We will happily use it if it beats the system we have now!

    What defines "aren't all that important?" :scratch: the rest of the team seem to like the stars/cogs.
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited August 2003
    Oh, ooops. Sorry about that. I didn't know that.:banghead::respect:

    The stars are cool, but weren't all that important to me, but I might as well have them in my sig.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    danball :rolleyes: .... sigh.....
  • CycloniteCyclonite Tampa, Florida Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Whoa, danball. You're gonna get a whoopin'.. Better be careful! :p
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Danball isn't all that important anyway, can we replace him with another member?
  • LincLinc
    refrains from joining the chorus.

    I just sent the PHP script back to Shorty, theoretically fixed. We'll go from there. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I like the byte on the main forum page ;)...
    Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    refrains from joining the chorus.

    I just sent the PHP script back to Shorty, theoretically fixed. We'll go from there. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    I like the byte on the main forum page ;) It really is a good lesson to be learned...
  • WuGgaRoOWuGgaRoO Not in the shower Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    i feel raped...::(
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Maybe this will teach us all a little lesson to keep the sig as small as possible?

    /me glances at WuGaRoO and bitch-slaps his forehead
  • BlackHawkBlackHawk Bible music connoisseur There's no place like Icrontian
    edited August 2003
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Fixed! (I think) :D
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    I think so! :fold:
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    csimon said
    I think so! :fold:
    :D w00t!

    btw, like them helixes? :)
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    Mackanz said
    Maybe this will teach us all a little lesson to keep the sig as small as possible?

    * Mackanz glances at WuGaRoO and bitch-slaps his forehead

    Black Hawk said


    In all fairness, WuG's sig is too damn big for my tastes... oh, wait, was that fairness? :ninja:
  • MachineGunKellyMachineGunKelly The STICKS, Illinois
    edited August 2003
    If you don't like mine whup Shorty, he made it! :respect:
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    machinegunkelly said
    If you don't like mine whup Shorty, he made it! :respect:

    eh, yours isn't much bigger than mine...

    um, that sounded wrong... :banghead:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited August 2003
    GHoosdum said
    eh, yours isn't much bigger than mine...

    um, that sounded wrong... :banghead:
    There's a scary thought - does this mean that the WuG is bigger than all of us?:eek2:

    BTW - MGK, here's what Google says about the quote in your sig:
    It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.
    - William G. McAdoo (1863 - 1941)

    McAdoo - didn't he play for the Pistons?

    (He who guesses where "profdlp" came from gets a prize:thumbup )
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited August 2003
    GHoosdum said
    machinegunkelly said
    If you don't like mine whup Shorty, he made it! :respect:

    eh, yours isn't much bigger than mine...

    um, that sounded wrong... :banghead:


    Anyway, ignore what I said previously. I had just gotten up and was still sleepy.
  • NecropolisNecropolis Hawarden, Wales Icrontian
    edited August 2003
    I'm happy. Judge Dredd is back where he belongs :D:thumbsup:
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