Recommend a good low-profile heatsink for a microATX case + sempron

I want it to be small, cheap, and worry free. Quiet isn't that big of a deal. It'll be cooling a non-OC'ed Sempron 2600+ in an In-Win BT series MicroATX case.
The downside is that it's a little hard to locate. Plycon, Newegg, Zipzoomfly, and SVC returned no hits on it. :\
sh*t nevermind I think I through it out in the last horrific cleaning mode I got into one night.
I don't think of it as overkill for the application you have for it, more like "set and forget about it". You would have plenty of reserve cooling capacity and could forget about cleaning it for years and still not worry about heat.
An SK-6 (Spotted at Plycon) would probably be safer, and would be more than enough for that Sempron. A moderate flow 60mm fan would keep it quiet, too.
wrestlers..... farmers..... :shakehead
But a lovely choice it is. It's a matter of perspective. It is low profile for a Harley.
BTW...I have could saw one in four pieces and have 4 heatsinks.
The SB2010000001?
Reminds me I need to get the 1337 Proc out the door with the corn in it.