Game Puts Players In Kerry's Boat
Military game specialist Kuma Reality Games will release a new adventure based on presidential candidate John Kerry's Vietnam War service.
Source: c|net
Do you get points deducted for self-inflicted wounds? -KF"Silver Star" will be the latest in a string of missions for "Kuma War," an ongoing game based on historical events. The Kerry mission, to be released Sept. 30, centers on the Feb. 28, 1969, battle that earned the presidential candidate the nation's second-highest military honor, while he commanded a Navy "swift boat" in the Mekong Delta. Kerry's Vietnam experience, particularly the incidents of Feb. 28, have been the subject of continuing controversy since a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth began circulating ads and other material questioning Kerry's service. Sarah Anderson, vice president of marketing for Kuma, said the company's simulation is based on military records accompanying Kerry's award of the Silver Star. By putting players in the line of fire, voters can settle their minds on the nature of Kerry's actions, she said.
Source: c|net
You know neither one of these yo-yo's have mentioned anything about the POW/MIA issues that still reside today.
ook Ill stop now before I really get started....
B) I'm sure that this isn't even going to be a great game
C) Many, many people who will play this will probably not even be eligible US voters.
D) Anybody who would vote for their president based on a video game is a non-thinking goon anyway, and would probably be just as swayed if there were a presidential ad on a cereal box or something.
Here's something politically positive...and neutral:
I am thankful to both G.W. Bush and J.F. Kerry for serving in the Armed Forces.