Computer Beeps When Maximizing/Minimizing Windows
Thank you in advance for your help. Ok, this problem is bugging me to no end. Strangely, when I maximize or minimize any window I hear a soft, short beep. This occurs on all windows including explorer, IE, AIM, MS Word, etc. This sound is not coming from my speakers but somewhere inside the tower of my computer.
I can’t imagine what might cause such a problem. I have a Dell Dimension 4600 and I’m running Windows XP. I would be so grateful for help. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide that would aid in diagnosing the problem. Thanks again.
Thank you in advance for your help. Ok, this problem is bugging me to no end. Strangely, when I maximize or minimize any window I hear a soft, short beep. This occurs on all windows including explorer, IE, AIM, MS Word, etc. This sound is not coming from my speakers but somewhere inside the tower of my computer.
I can’t imagine what might cause such a problem. I have a Dell Dimension 4600 and I’m running Windows XP. I would be so grateful for help. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide that would aid in diagnosing the problem. Thanks again.
I also tried this: I disabled the device labeled beep under the “Non Plug and Play Drivers” category in Device Manager. I rebooted as so the change would take effect. This did not resolve the problem and I continue to hear the soft beep from my computer.
It's also possible to have settings set in the normal XP mode, and have them WORK persistently but be unreachable in Classic mode. switch back to normal mode, turn off if now on, then reestablish classic mode.
Some AV and Firewalls and Spam Blockers can be set to ding when they block things also, is this mostly web related apps that are triggering the ding??? And IM and Mail apps can be set to ding when they sense new messages or mail.... So, IF that does not show up in Windows XP settings, look at the application settings for the application you are maximizing or minimizing, its possible a whole bunch somehow got configged to do this (have any mischevious kids, brothers, sisters, room mates, significant others, etc who might have deliberately given you a "puzzle" to work out by turning all your apps sound settings that can be to active or on???)
Ok guys, it's comming from the internal speaker........ wav's dont play on that speaker....... your wasting this guy's time because you didn't read the post properly.........
I know if I have to keys held down and try to hit a 3rd one I'll get that same "beep" happens to me all the time while playing video games, as for why it's doing it when you max and min a window, not really sure about that... You have a key stuck down on your keyboard? are you holding down weird keys like maybe control, alt, or maybe others? Anything we should know about your computer? Like maybe you have a theme installed but you dont have drivers for your sound card? That will make it beep too...
Seriously, the only thing it's good for is letting you know if something is a problem at boot time (which will be obvious soon enough when your computer doesn't start properly). If that happens, just plug the sucker back in so you can hear the problem beep code.
You might also hunt around in your bios to see if you can find anything regarding the internal speaker.
Are you sure? I had a computer with only an internal speaker and I could listen to the entire addaboy radio show online, and it only had the internal speaker,so I wonder where the sound was coming from? Sorry for wasting someones time trying to help
Try this for me:
go to your control panel, click "sounds, speech, and audio devices" (or, if you use the classic view, "sounds and audio devices"), on the window that opens up, click the "advanced" button under "Device volume". On the window that pops up, hit "options", go to "properties", and under "Show the following volume controls" check everything.
Start muting things one by one (don't mute the leftmost slider called "master"), until the sound goes away. If one doesn't do it, un-mute it so nothing else gets screwed up and move on to the next one. Try the one entitled "PC Speaker" first.