MP3 Losing Steam?
After years as the unrivaled king of the digital-media world, the venerable MP3 music format is losing ground to rival technologies from Microsoft and Apple Computer.
Source: c|netMP3 is still the overwhelming favorite of file traders, but the once-universal format's popularity has been going quietly but steadily down in personal music collections for the last year. According to researchers at The NPD Group's MusicWatch Digital who track the contents of people's hard drives, the percentage of MP3-formatted songs in digital-music collections has slid steadily in recent months, down to about 72 percent of people's collections from about 82 percent a year ago. "People are still getting MP3s and putting them on hard drives but are deleting them at a rate faster than they're acquiring them," said Isaac Josephson, a researcher at NPD MusicWatch Digital. "People tend to think that downloads are more disposable than rips (copies from a CD), and currently, the lion's share (of MP3s) are downloads."
you definitely wont find me touching WMA, and AAC would require me to use iTunes, which I despise
Nope, I always rip new CDs I get to WMA with WMP10, and I DL songs in WMA w/MSN Music I don't really use mp3 at all, I still have a lot of them but don't really aquire any new ones now.
It's still mp3 for me too. I don't believe you'll have a revolution like when the mp3 format was introduced.
Yeah, that raised an eyebrow here, too.