My RAID died
On my other machine, windows XP fails to finish booting. I've got two IBM deathstars in there on RAID0. I'm thinking that a partition on one of the drives may be corrupted.
To recap: machine posts ok, windows starts to boot, BSOD, restart, rinse, repeat.
To recap: machine posts ok, windows starts to boot, BSOD, restart, rinse, repeat.
If it was your raid, windows would probably not start booting. This is not a guarantee, but that's pretty much always the case. What you can do is try a "repair install" -- boot off the WinXP CD, act like you're going to reinstall the OS, and then it will "search for previous Windows XP installations" and offer you the choice of "Repair installation"... Do that, it will avoid the need to reinstall apps and restore personal settings.
Give that a shot.
Safemode does not work, same problem.
The memory works, I'm using it in the working computer and it runs fine.
The machine that had failed had not been used for 3 weeks.
With regards to your attempts at re-installing ;
Make sure that you have instructed the setup (windows XP right?) that you are using a RAID controller i.e a third party controller (under Windows 2000 and XP by pressing F6 when prompted at the start of the setup program), otherwise your partition/s won't show up.
I should also mention that this system was overclocked.
A last resort of course would be to gut the array and rebuild it from scratch. But it's all circumstantially pointing to the array. I don't really want to tell you to do that as there isn't really any hard facts supporting the theory that you've lost a stripe or two.
EDIT : If your system is still OC'd then crank it down to it's default speed, that includes all basic timings as well.
Is there anyway to restore the data, say taking to a technician somewhere?
I honestly couldn't say. Let us know how you get on anyway. Sorry we couldn't be of any more help.
Also just as a last very basic thing to try, make sure that all the cables and everything are attached and working properly on the drive you think ain't working. You never know.
my buddy was having failed raid-0 errors and a new ide cable fixed the problem
If you're lucky, Norton will tell you that it has found a partition (the size should match what you had before) and offer to recover it. My twin 45GB drives (85GB partition) took a while to recover, but it booted up after that like nothing was ever wrong.
PS: Good Luck!;)
Just stumbled on this thread as I have been experiencing similar problems with my A-BIT BE7 Raid system...
I made the mistake of upgrading to XP Pro rather than doing a fresh install. Along the way my computer crashed leaving my computer with 1 1/2 copies of XP
Anyway, thinking it would be an easy case of format and reinstall I tried doing a CD-Rom Installation only to find that XP wasn't recognising any of my drives...
A couple of hours of head scratching later I decided that I would try putting the boot drive onto an IDE cable rather than a RAID cable. Fortunatley this seemed to work and XP found the drive and began the installation...
Once it was all set up and installed I then replaced the RAID cable and all was well....
Hope this helps!...