is this cpu too hot??

my cpu is pentium 3 with 933MHz speed.
FAN : intel socket 370 fan with normal heatsink.
RAM : sdram 128mb
BOARD : asus cusi-fx
Chipset : sis630e
i wonder why my cpu is very is about 45*C,the fan speed is about 4215 rpm. i also open the casing of the casing. i never overclock the cpu and everything inside. last time i put some glue(that kind where enhanced to spread heat,don know what it call) on it. terrible news happen, it just get to 50*C where it sounds more terrible. then i wipe off everything. it came down to 43*C. can anyone please help me on how to decrease the cpu temperature. :bawling: i wonder my CPU will die earlier. my friends one with pentium 4 is just 24*C.

my cpu is pentium 3 with 933MHz speed.
FAN : intel socket 370 fan with normal heatsink.
RAM : sdram 128mb
BOARD : asus cusi-fx
Chipset : sis630e

and when u put that "glue" stuff on it, u probably put too much on it, that's why it cause the temp increase.
the 1.0 is the limit for that CPU
the others (1.1-1.3) ran even hotter(60-70 C)
I beg to differ. The Tualatins didn't run that hot at all; neither did the CUmines. 45*C is hotter than I'd expect from a 933, but not too hot.
When you clean off the gunk on CPU, clean off the gunk on HS also, not by scraping but with isoprophyl alcohol or if you know how ot use it safely, Zylene. In essence, use chemicals to make it come loose, not a putty knife to scrape it off. Then get a REAL thin layer on CPU and make sure the Heat Sink has NO dust on it (an air can and a soft round long bristle china bristle cleaning brush are nice to blow and brush dust out of Heat Sink). When you are new at cleaning dust off of Heat Sinks, helps to clean with Heat Sink not still mounted onto CPU, also. IF the fan is squealing loud and\or making grinding noises at all, then replace the Heat Sink fan too.... CPU should, after all that, be nomrally running in high 30's to low 40's in C.
That's how to decrease the temp, as you asked, mikechinym.
i should say about the one that was in the dell 8100 i had
that thing ran constant 50-70 c (p3 1.2)
i had try to remove those "glue" away and i clean all the fan dust, anyway i haven't put on an expensive glue...perhaps i should buy one and try.