Some help on choosing a new Video Card....
Ok well i have a small budget (around $150 or so) and I figured i need a new gfx card...seeing as how mine sucks (I got an Nvidia TNT2...I can't even play halo! lol) Any suggestions on good, yet cheap video cards which can play Halo or even World of Warcraft (one of the main reasons im upgrading)??
Windows XP Home edition
Pentium 4 1.5Ghz
256Mb RAM
40 GB HD
here is a link to the xt.
to really see an improvement, upgrade your entire system. if you are not hardcore about gaming, these two video cards will be decently fine to play those games. you wont have the best fps but it will be completely playable. my friend has about the same specs but with a lesser video card and plays halo fine, and eq2 (hes using a 9600se which is much worse than the pro/xt).. so ya, i would suggest ram and 9600pro/xt if you are not hardcore and just want it to play these games at a decent rate or get an entire new system...