Looking for 1.5V Socket A chip...
The only thing I can find out there right now is the Duron 1.6 and 1.8 from Newegg. I'm looking for something to cool down the innards of my cramped HEPC. Any leads? Thanks!
maaaaaybe... how much is it worth to you?
Yeah, I have some ideas...
either this thing (when it's back in stock):
or just pinmodding the cpu or socket. Given that the mobile athlons are unlocked from the factory, setting the multiplier by jumping a couple of pins on the CPU isn't a big deal.
I'm considering getting the 1.35V XP2200+ Barton core XP-M that Newegg carries. Anyone know anything about that CPU's potential? I'd like to get in the 1.8-2.0 GHz range on a decently low core voltage.
I bought one of the new 1.5VCore XP2500+ Barton chips from Newegg, and my MCE2005 PC is running happily in the entertainment center with all the new parts!