Maxtor & Western Digital drives = BAD!!!
Has anyone ever noticed that right after the time that the warranty on HD's from either company goes bad?
I purchased a 200gb Maxtor drive last August. The drive has never been dropped or physically damaged, yet as soon as the system is powered on, it clicks away every few seconds during startup. The about five minutes after it loads XP, it crashed! 
I used to like both Maxtor and Western Digital and hated Seagate, but now I have a change of heart towards Seagate since they now have a 5-year warranty on thier products
, I think that I will start purchasing their products this week
and never purchase another of the other guys drives again! :shakehead 

:banghead: :thumbsdow

I used to like both Maxtor and Western Digital and hated Seagate, but now I have a change of heart towards Seagate since they now have a 5-year warranty on thier products

It is a shame that my smaller Maxtor drive that I have had for six years still works fine and the 200gb drive is dying already! :shakehead Maybe, Maxtor and others need not to make larger capacity, just more reliable ones! :banghead:
There is an applicable saying that I have for companies like this: I think that they would fix the problem with a little thought
Since they fixed that design flaw, I haven't had a problem with their drives since.
i do exactly the same thing ive had 4/5 maxtors fail
and 1/4 westrendigitals fail
the westrendigital that died was old it was a 3gb drive fell down the stairs and wasnt parked :S
the maxtors that died didnt fall or anything they just broke 1 day when i powered the system on all of them 3 days before the warenty expired
1. 20gb drive 2. 30gb drives and 2.40gb drives :P
my advice if datas imporent to u then get hatchie drives (pardon my spelling)
if speeds imporent get a westrendigital or maxtor
to fix that put it in the freezer for 30 min and hit it softly wiht the back end of a screw driver (ur harddrives getting stuck in park (make sure to shut it down right every time)