Brand new CPU just died

edited December 2004 in Hardware
Hi. This is my first post and I'm pretty desperate to fix my CPU.

First off, my CPU

GIGABYTE "GA-K8NS" NVIDIA nForce3 250 Chipset Motherboard
AMD Athlon 64 3400+
GeForce 6800 AGP 128 MB
450 PSU

I just finished putting it together and it was working fine. However, after I installed Windows XP, it randomly shut itself off and did not reboot, as if the power supply just quit and I had to power it back on. Now it's not even coming back on. When I press the power button, all I hear is a beep, a yellow light comes on the mobo, then nothing. Is it a bad PSU? Is it the mobo?

I just received the motherboard and case from newegg today and I was hoping to get this thing working, but alas, something's wrong.

EDIT: Oh, in case it matters, the case is an A-Top Technology X-Blade case that came with the 450 PSU.


  • comfortablecomfortable Sugarland, TX
    edited December 2004
    What does your motherboard say about the yellow light?

    Also, is it a single beep, a series of short/long beeps, or a combination of both? Your mobo should have more info on error-codes.

    If you were able to install Windows, I don't think that it's a PSU prob. If this is your first attempt at a custom built pc, make sure that all of the power connections to the mobo are on tight. It's possible that the connections were somehow loosened in b/w boots.

    While I doubt it's effectiveness, try clearing out the cmos (this should be mentioned in your mobo manual as well. It probably involves the removal of the small battery, and reseating of a jumper.)
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited December 2004
    $5 says you just got :Pwned: by that "450w" PSU. I'd bet that the actual output is closer to 250w. Fortunately, it's a cheap fix (at least cheaper than replacing the mobo or CPU). You'd just better hope to hell that damn PS didn't take anything else with it if it is the culprit.

    Oh, and if it didn't take anything with it, consider this a gentle warning that a $45 case won't come with a 450w PSU.
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited December 2004
    Have you tried clearing the CMOS or testing the RAM with Memtest?
  • edited December 2004
    I tried removing the battery to clear the CMOS and that didn't do anything. The PSU is labeled at 450W max. Not sure of it's real output tho.

    BTW, the yellow light that comes on is the RAM LED light. As soon as I hit power, that light comes on, there's a beep, and nothing moves. It sounds like a beep you'd hear from a smoke alarm that needs new batteries.
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    Unplug the power.
    move the CMOS (BIOS) jumper to the clear position.
    Wait a few.
    Move it back.

    Now remove one of your sticks of memory.
    Make sure that the other one is seated real tight.
    If no go try moving the memory to another slot.
    If none work try the same with the other stick.

    Can you test the memory in another computer?
  • edited December 2004
    OK, I removed the CMOS jumper and it's booting now. Thanks....if there's any more problems with it, I'll definitely be here.

    EDIT: BTW, any idea how this happened so I can prevent it in the future if possible? Is my CMOS incorrectly set? Not enough power?
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    flyrice wrote:
    Hi. This is my first post and I'm pretty desperate to fix my CPU.

    First off, my CPU

    GIGABYTE "GA-K8NS" NVIDIA nForce3 250 Chipset Motherboard
    AMD Athlon 64 3400+
    1GB PC 3200 DDR RAM
    GeForce 6800 AGP 128 MB
    450 PSU

    Welcome to short-media, congrats on building your computer and getting it booting.

    One of the things we pride ourselves on at this site is that people come here and learn a lot about computers. It's almost like university level computer-building :D

    Just for future reference, your "CPU" is actually just the processor (The Athlon 64 3400+ in your case). The rest of the parts are not called the CPU - the whole thing together can be called your computer or your system or your rig or whatever, but the CPU is just one individual part (the Central Processing Unit). :)
  • edited December 2004
    Crap, it just did it again. I tried removing the battery and clearing the CMOS, but now it's not working. The mobo and processor are fine (if they weren't, I'm sure they would've fried when I first got it working again), so I thinkI have a crap PSU....ideas?
  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    Total agreement, my thoughts are the PSU as well. Get an Antec/Enermax/other good brand name PSU of 400W ++. The 450 'max' W your PSU gives is likely 250ish with peak momentary power of 450. With the high end high speed high consumption components you have, it just can't do the job.
  • JimboraeJimborae Newbury, Berks, UK Member
    edited December 2004
    Maybe adjustment of memory voltage &/or cpu voltage can overcome this till a decent psu is acquired. Assuming flyrice can get into the bios long enough to change them that is.
  • edited December 2004
    Hmm, I swapped the PSU with a 380 Antec that came with the Sonata retail case and it seems to be working fine so far. Thanks again...if there's anymore problems, I'll be back.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited December 2004
    That antec will serve you well. It's WAY better than the one you had in there.
  • edited December 2004
    Remember, when you try to reset the CMOS you need to unplug the PSU as well, you mentioned moving the jumper and removing the battery but IF the PSU is plugged in the CMOS chip will still be getting voltage.
    I knocked the battery out of my motherboard once and it was ok after setting the CMOS in BIOS but as soon as the PSU lost power my CMOS reset itself, that's how I discovered I had a problem.
    Congrats on getting your rig going, you'll find that PC building can become a hobby, then move up to passion to become an obsession and finally end up a mania. Have fun!
  • FlintstoneFlintstone SE Florida
    edited December 2004
    Yeah....Mania.....Thunderbird.......T-bred......Mobil.....MPX........A64......FX......Opterons.......Dual Core........Yeah, MANIA!!!!!

    Somebody ......................Help........................ME! :wtf::wtf:
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited December 2004
    flyrice wrote:
    Crap, it just did it again. I tried removing the battery and clearing the CMOS, but now it's not working. The mobo and processor are fine (if they weren't, I'm sure they would've fried when I first got it working again), so I thinkI have a crap PSU....ideas?

    could be overheat protection kicking on ..... did u go thermalpaste happy
    if it is the psu make sure to get a antec or enermax

    edit : i see u got a antec now :D
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