hotkey to eject cdtray on mac osX
i was able to get my hands on a g4 with osX installed. only thing is i don't have a mac keyboard. i plugged in a normal usb keyboard but there is no cd eject button. does anyone know of a hotkey or how to bind the key to another key so that i can open my cd tray? i tried doing the f12 for 3 second trick but it doesn't work. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance
Tell me if this works.
See if this works.
He could also drag the computer to the trash...
the problem is i have to get the cd into the tray first ahh oh well i like geeky's idea. it belongs in the trash. no offense to mac users... but i hate macs. never had any luck with em. i'm gonna stick with pc's! hope i don't start a pc vs mac war