SMx Parts, etc.

I have some questions...
How much money is currently in the X fund?
What parts do we currently have in "stock" for machines?
Is it more convenient to donate funds or pieces?
Let's get 19 and 20 under our belts
How much money is currently in the X fund?
What parts do we currently have in "stock" for machines?
Is it more convenient to donate funds or pieces?
Let's get 19 and 20 under our belts

I know that we have..
Video Cards
Hard Drives
Case Fans
PC2100 (I think, Sev?)
There is a ComputerFest next weekend I could pick something up if need be. There are some cheap HDDs and vid cards. I picked up 2 of each last year and they are in machines now.
Maybe memory.
I wasnt going to get anything expensive or anything. Some beige, used case for cheap. Even a scratch and dent case if need be.
Motherboard - none
HSF - mmonnin, TD
RAM (SD) - mmonnin
RAM (DDR) - TD (one)
HDD - mmonnin, TD
VID - mmonnin
NIC - TD, mmonnin, Hotrodsun
Case - none
PSU - non spoken for but I should be getting one from Ageek
Case Fans - Hotrodsun, mmonnin
Anyone else want to add to the list? I have some other things on my list but am not sure they are still available.
Dood, I got case, remember? TheSmJ found a free case local to him for SM18... I'm going to donate the case I had for 18 to 19...
It's got a 400W generic PSU and three case fans... and a l33t (not) modding job by yours truly!
I know that even working, that would be pretty poky, but I'll be glad to mail it to anyone willing to test it out for potential use in an SMx project. Can't remember the brand of the board, but can check if it looks like a possibility.
Hey, look at my sig. If I had anything better I'd stick it in my own rig!