Modification: Build a Fan Controller & Digital Temperature Readout LCD Unit
It is done, a final version of a guidance how to built up this fan/temperatue-control is available now
for the Download.
Here you can find some pictures and a detailed desription
the main characteristics in the overview:
- Micro-controller digitally regulated fan/temperature-control, regulation works 100% independently of the operating system (e.g. Windows...)
- with up to 8 sensors the temperatures of the PC's are monitored and the speed of the fans are adapted automatically
- very exact temperature sensors with a accuracy of 0,1°C (DS1820)
- several safety functions protect against the overheating of the computer hardware
- low-loss control of the fans by pulse-width-modulation (PWM), saves energy and produces no additional heat
- the fans can be regulated within a range of 40% to 100%
- The fan's speed is also shown in PWM mode, over the whole work area
- USB-interface
- suitable also for watercooling
- display of all values on LCD 1*20/2*20/4*20 (temperatures, fan's "rpm", alarm status...)
- simple operation over only 2 keys
- very flexible configuration possible (alarm temperatures, sensor-fan config, hysteresis...)
- storage of all settings in eeprom
for the Download.
Here you can find some pictures and a detailed desription
the main characteristics in the overview:
- Micro-controller digitally regulated fan/temperature-control, regulation works 100% independently of the operating system (e.g. Windows...)
- with up to 8 sensors the temperatures of the PC's are monitored and the speed of the fans are adapted automatically
- very exact temperature sensors with a accuracy of 0,1°C (DS1820)
- several safety functions protect against the overheating of the computer hardware
- low-loss control of the fans by pulse-width-modulation (PWM), saves energy and produces no additional heat
- the fans can be regulated within a range of 40% to 100%
- The fan's speed is also shown in PWM mode, over the whole work area
- USB-interface
- suitable also for watercooling
- display of all values on LCD 1*20/2*20/4*20 (temperatures, fan's "rpm", alarm status...)
- simple operation over only 2 keys
- very flexible configuration possible (alarm temperatures, sensor-fan config, hysteresis...)
- storage of all settings in eeprom
If you find some mistakes (and i think you will ) please write it to me.
Maybe someone also can help can help me in translation, please.
greets KeiAng
1.) Instead of a normal Text-LCDs (HD44780 etc.) also a graphics LCD can be connected now, with that some more information can be indicated at the same time. I used a GLCD with the controller "T6963C" (240 * 64 pixel) here.
Here is a short video: Video of the GLCD (press button "Auf gehts" to start download)
Description of the GLCD: Regulation with GLCD
2.) The software for Windows is now also almost ready. At this time all dates of the regulation can be indicated and adapted (temperature-, fan-, regulation dates as well as all configuration data: temperature limits, sensor-fan config, etc.).
As next a small interface comes for the software "Samurize" included, with that everyone can represent the dates graphical likes he want to.
You find a precise description and even further information here: Windows Software
The most important enlargement is to be let indicate all dates in a diagram. With that one gets a very good overlooks about the regulation behavior and with that whether all attitudes are correct.
The diagram can be stored if required with a right click as a graphics file.
3.) With this enlargement bigger fans (>2W) or several can be connected at the same time. in total 6 fans with each 10 W can be connected.
Description of the fan enlargement: fan enlargement
graphic LCD during operation ( all data scrolling from down to upward ):
the setup menue on graphic LCD:
Mode choice by pressing switch:
on this graphic LCD I have tested now a diagram function:
short movie of diagram mode:
download movie ( to start download click on button "auf gehts" ): graphic LCD -> diagram mode
Link: graphic LCD with "SED1520"-Controller connected to fan control V1.4d
Just a couple questions for you, please. What prompted you to register and post at Short-Media? You are certainly welcomed here. It's just not usual that new registrants immediately provide a link to another site. Everything appears to be in order - I'm just curious. Also, did you develop the coding and find the necessary components yourself. (Please excuse me if this last question is answered at the linked site; I just haven't had time to read much there, and my German has become quite rusty, es tut mir leid!)
Hello Leonardo,
i was looking for a english forum and google has found a link to this site, so i used this one :-). The other reason is the big community i found here.
Yes i developed this fan control completly on my own, such like finding components, coding the microcontroller, coding Windows Software and everthing else... I'am working on this project now over 3 years, not the hole time but and as much as i can and it makes fun ^^.
And thanks for choosing our community to join.
I have reworked the hole Windows Software V1.8 and added many new feature.
I have finished 2 extension for this project:
- "8 channel light control" -> "8 channel light control"
- "Emergency shutdown / alarm output / pump check" -> "emergency shutdown"
extension: "8 channel light control"
- With this extension can 8 additional light channels manages and to be programmed own light sequences. Here a short sample movie: light sequence. ( to start download click button "starte download" )
- it can be also showed the speed of a fan as bar graph or as a binary value
- alle settings can be done in windows software:
extension: "Emergency shutdown / alarm output / pump check"
The emergency shutdown works in this case not over the Windows software but ove the connection "power switch" of the main board. Through that the emergency shutdown is independently of Windows and works much more secure with that.
- With this extension the PC can in the alarm case shutdown or completly switch off.
- In Addition there is another relay with that on the extension an additional fan or a pump in the alarm case can be activated.
In the case of following alarms the emergency shutdown is activated:
- temperature of a sensor rise over the defined value ( overtemp. )
- a temperature sensor turned out
- rate of a pump or flow sensor lies under the defined value or completely breaks down
I have translated this site in english. If there are any mistakes or something is unclear please let me know.
Welcome to the community also =)