bit service and automatic updates are "suppose" to be enabled for windows update site to work. If you have it set to disabled it should not work, If its set to manual it should work as the service will start itself for the updates then shut itself off. BIT, background intelligent transfer, service has to be running or atleast set to manual.
It says Access is denied when I try to instsll Windows XP Service Pack 2. It also says there is a setup error. I have tried going to as well as trying my automatic updates. I went to Internet options as suggested by Dexter, but my options were already set as suggested they should be. I tried again to install the updates and it still says access is denied. I had spyware problems before, and someone helped me get rid of them, but still I can't download the updates.
I used the link that Tmod posted, and still couldn't download the updates. And I didn't find the option: -> settings -> control panel -> services. And for the record, Thrax, that's a disturbing little pic.
I used the link that Tmod posted, and still couldn't download the updates. And I didn't find the option: -> settings -> control panel -> services. And for the record, Thrax, that's a disturbing little pic.
It <i>is</i> disturbing, isn't it? Nothing better than universally-misunderstood Japanese marketing tools being abused by us clueless westerners.
OK, just to be clear, because you never answered Edcentric's question....are you using a profile that has Administrator rights on the computer? Do you know how to check that?
Next, if you are using an Admin account, and still cannot do it, check this link from Microsoft support:
Do you get any error message? What is happening is it just not installing or you can't even start the download? Have you tried going to the main download site and manually download the updates individually?
How do I know if I have administrator priviledges? And for maggie99635; yes I got a message that said Access is denied, service pack 2 setup error. And even when I go to the download site to manually it does the same thing.
Can Service Pack 2 be installed on all XP installations?
eWeek wrote the following on May 11, 2004:
"Recent press reports indicating Windows XP Service Pack 2 will install on pirated or illegal copies of Windows XP are not entirely true," said a Microsoft spokesperson. "Instead, prior to installing, SP2 will check the OS' product ID [PID] against a list of known pirated PIDs. If a PID is found to be invalid, SP2 will not install." This behavior is essentially similar to that of Windows XP SP1.
Another consideration is the following. Service Pack 2 does install on Windows XP OEM versions, i.e. those that came with a computer and are tied to that computer. But if you run into a problem, these OEM versions usually cannot do repair installations. Often they only allow you to erase everything entirely and start from scratch. In other words, with only an OEM install CD, you run the small additional risk, should the SP2 installation go wrong, of either losing your installation and having to start all over or having to buy a full version of Windows XP.
I have administrator privileges. I went to the link that Dexter posted, and step one went fine I found the error, but on step 2, it didn't find the Access is denied registry value, so I didn't know what to do. And my XP did come with the computer if that helps.
ange...what version of the Windows Updater are you trying to use?
This may not even matter, but your problem briefly resemles the one I've had for months.
Being a novice, I think my problem is either I got a beta version of the v5 Updater or I have a log jam with one of the updates.
Like yourself, I can't get an update through. I'm grsping at straws with the updater version.
There are lots of smart people around here and sometimes it's that little bit of info they need...
how would I find that out? It just says Windows XP Service Pack 2 Setup Wizard.
And yes, there are tons of crazy smart people on here, they've helped me solve one problem I had before. I wish that I had something to offer, but I'm afraid my talents don't extend past shopping and gymnastics. But I am sooo grateful to everyone who has helped me.
how would I find that out? It just says Windows XP Service Pack 2 Setup Wizard.
Run your Windows Update, then look in your address bar and it usually says v4 or v5 when you are connecting.
And yes, there are tons of crazy smart people on here, they've helped me solve one problem I had before. I wish that I had something to offer, but I'm afraid my talents don't extend past shopping and gymnastics. But I am sooo grateful to everyone who has helped me.
Well I don't like to shop and I'm too old to do flips, so this is what I like to spend time at. Sad thing is, I'm a novice as well...sorry.
I had just started to browse around looking for a similar problem as mine when I ran into this. Maybe we get you fixed up and then I'll post my problem.
Take a peek at the updater...
Woot...just noticed the Similar Threads section down below here.
Everyone starts as a novice once! Once you get interested, you pick it up very quick. The best thing you can do, if you're interested, is to build your own system. Troubleshooting the inevitable quirks is a profound learning experience and lights the fire of PC obsession.
Straight_ManGeeky, in my own wayNaples, FLIcrontian
edited January 2005
Right, and if you cannot even SEE an administrator accoubnt, then you definitely are logged on as a non-admin enabled user. HATE to say this, but you might want to run an antivirus prgram in safe mode and see what it finds also, especially if you are logged in as admin user.
Let's say you have a standard XP Home account:
For a lot of computers, the default install will gen a user and an admin ID but the admin ID will have no password. This is not great, but logout of you user, choose to login as Administrator, and then use just the ENTER key as password if you or someone did a standard install. Having done that, you can then install updates like SP2 if your computer has been installed with no admin password.
At a guess, made logically, given this whole thread so far, I bet Ange is not logged in as admin. cAnnot guarantee this will work, some OEMS establish admin passwords when installing, partly so users get to call them for help.
Everyone starts as a novice once! Once you get interested, you pick it up very quick. The best thing you can do, if you're interested, is to build your own system.
Got 3-4 under my belt, but it took many posts and threads to get it done...started back in the ol' Old Icrontic forum days Nuttin better than gettin it up and runnin, but then "if it ain't broken, take it apart to find out why":D
Troubleshooting the inevitable quirks is a profound learning experience and lights the fire of PC obsession.
You are correct is an obsession. Do they have group therapy for this?
What is the error?
You must use IE for online installation of windows updates.
You should also be getting a hex error which you can use on the updates help to narrow it down
Which specific updates are you having trouble installing?
auto updates off here. no problems with manual updates.
this is all for xp.
Launch Internet Explorer, go to Tools -> Options -> Security -> Custom Level.
At the bottom of the Window, select Reset to: Medium, and click the Reset button.
Scroll down to ActiveX controls and plugins section, and make sure that the item labelled "Run ActiveX controls and plugins" is set to Enable.
Hit OK, then OK on the next window. Close IE, re-open it, and try www.Windows
Try this link , It is the download link for the network install version of XP SP2.
Is Cryptographic Services enabled?
Right click on your My Computer option and select Manage. Choose the Services and Applications section, and open the Service menu.
Or, go to the Start Menu, select RUN, and type in Services.msc.
Then look for the service Thrax mentioned.
It <i>is</i> disturbing, isn't it? Nothing better than universally-misunderstood Japanese marketing tools being abused by us clueless westerners.
Next, if you are using an Admin account, and still cannot do it, check this link from Microsoft support:
And if that still fails, use this checklist:
Let us know if that helps. If you need help with the Support link, I could help you via Remote Assistance if you use MSN Messenger.
start--control panel--user accounts.
have a look at the account your are logged in to, if it says "computer administrator", then you have administrative privileges.
Can Service Pack 2 be installed on all XP installations?
eWeek wrote the following on May 11, 2004:
"Recent press reports indicating Windows XP Service Pack 2 will install on pirated or illegal copies of Windows XP are not entirely true," said a Microsoft spokesperson. "Instead, prior to installing, SP2 will check the OS' product ID [PID] against a list of known pirated PIDs. If a PID is found to be invalid, SP2 will not install." This behavior is essentially similar to that of Windows XP SP1.
Another consideration is the following. Service Pack 2 does install on Windows XP OEM versions, i.e. those that came with a computer and are tied to that computer. But if you run into a problem, these OEM versions usually cannot do repair installations. Often they only allow you to erase everything entirely and start from scratch. In other words, with only an OEM install CD, you run the small additional risk, should the SP2 installation go wrong, of either losing your installation and having to start all over or having to buy a full version of Windows XP.
This may not even matter, but your problem briefly resemles the one I've had for months.
Being a novice, I think my problem is either I got a beta version of the v5 Updater or I have a log jam with one of the updates.
Like yourself, I can't get an update through. I'm grsping at straws with the updater version.
There are lots of smart people around here and sometimes it's that little bit of info they need...
And yes, there are tons of crazy smart people on here, they've helped me solve one problem I had before. I wish that I had something to offer, but I'm afraid my talents don't extend past shopping and gymnastics. But I am sooo grateful to everyone who has helped me.
Run your Windows Update, then look in your address bar and it usually says v4 or v5 when you are connecting.
Well I don't like to shop and I'm too old to do flips, so this is what I like to spend time at. Sad thing is, I'm a novice as well...sorry.
I had just started to browse around looking for a similar problem as mine when I ran into this. Maybe we get you fixed up and then I'll post my problem.
Take a peek at the updater...
Woot...just noticed the Similar Threads section down below here.
Let's say you have a standard XP Home account:
For a lot of computers, the default install will gen a user and an admin ID but the admin ID will have no password. This is not great, but logout of you user, choose to login as Administrator, and then use just the ENTER key as password if you or someone did a standard install. Having done that, you can then install updates like SP2 if your computer has been installed with no admin password.
At a guess, made logically, given this whole thread so far, I bet Ange is not logged in as admin. cAnnot guarantee this will work, some OEMS establish admin passwords when installing, partly so users get to call them for help.
Got 3-4 under my belt, but it took many posts and threads to get it done...started back in the ol' Old Icrontic forum days
You are correct is an obsession. Do they have group therapy for this?
Or, am I missing something?
It seems with all the updates coming out, if ange tried autoupdates one of the others would show as being installed.
Just thinkin' out loud