I got tired...
Wake up and smell the glaciersEagle River, Alaska Icrontian
of seeing the same old scenery in front of me - 56 [LFS]Morpheus,
57 MrNiceGuy, 58 kristof2, 59 hypermood, 60 Shenlong 16173, 61 kenken1186, 62 elight, 63 dodo, 64 edcentric,
65 Bart_Williams, 66 celcho, 67 Hocus008, 68 DragonAce. So I shifted down to a lower gear, boosted the RPMs and overtook you.
NoFuture, IraJames1176, please move over to the right lane. I'm coming around!
57 MrNiceGuy, 58 kristof2, 59 hypermood, 60 Shenlong 16173, 61 kenken1186, 62 elight, 63 dodo, 64 edcentric,
65 Bart_Williams, 66 celcho, 67 Hocus008, 68 DragonAce. So I shifted down to a lower gear, boosted the RPMs and overtook you.
NoFuture, IraJames1176, please move over to the right lane. I'm coming around!
And I had forgotten about the computer problem.
When the Team only had a couple hundred members, I was in the top ten for a period. My ego won't let me forget that.:bawling:
Actually, you may have a chance for a while. This weekend the family and I are going to the beach and to visit my parents. I'll have to convince the wife unit to let me leave the computers running. Also, I won't be able to check the dial-up machines at the office.:sad2:
/me heads out to college next week, and I know of at least 2 pc's to have it installed on ;)
46 nitsud 20002 690
47 shwaip 19885 1667
48 dangeraaron 18545 1960
49 Leonardo 18510 2847
50 drasnor 18505 999
51 floont 18173 1860
48 dangeraaron 18545 1960
49 drasnor 18538 1000
50 Leonardo 18510 2847
Drasnor fights back. :banghead: