Apple unveils sub-$500 "Mac Mini"

Apple Computer has just announced the $499 Mac Mini. At 6.5" wide and 2" tall, it isn't much bigger than the optical drive of a normal PC. It contains a 1.25 or 1.4 ghz G4 processor, and 256mb of ram + integrated Radeon 9200 video and a 40gb HD. Upgrades include 1gb of ram, a dvd burner and 80gb HD.
I forsee a lot of uses for this thing. It has integrated firewire and USB2 ports. I can imagine a very small mini "scratchpad" recording device that you can take with you and record something with, or a nice sort of portable computer. This is going to be one of those things that people are going to find all kinds of strange uses for.
I forsee a lot of uses for this thing. It has integrated firewire and USB2 ports. I can imagine a very small mini "scratchpad" recording device that you can take with you and record something with, or a nice sort of portable computer. This is going to be one of those things that people are going to find all kinds of strange uses for.
(w00t, I used USB as a verb)
Shuttle SN95G5 12.2" x 7.87" x 7.28" 7.92lbs
New Mac 6.5" x 6.5" x 2.0" 2.90lbs
It's just cool, that's all. It's not that important... :o
not closed minded, its still kinda cool, i just find it odd that people think everything Apple makes is some sort of innovation just because they make a big hoop-lah (yup) about the introduction.
I'll give props to their marketing/PR department tho.
I know I am buying a MAC sometime this year becuase the prices aren't that bad, the colors are easy on the eyes too. I just wish the OS wasn't so opposite from MS. My views change though, depends on my mood I guess :P
1) I wanted a flat panel monitor instead of this huge ass CRT. I am so sick of CRTs.
2) G5 over G4
On the plus side it is tiny and quiet perfect for the living room. If it had TV etc ( ie media centre ) I would buy one tomorrow even if it was a 100 quid more expensive. I will have to evaulate USB possibilities here.
OS X at a cheap price is also a selling point. Unix with a nice GUI at last.