Best SLOT A mobo?
Ok guys... you all know I have this thing for weird/exotic hardware... well, I just bought a 550MHz AMD Athlon Engineering Sample CPU. It came with a free compaq mobo. But, seeing as how Compaq mobos are **** as far as overclocking and stuff goes, I bought an ABIT KA-7 mobo that this store had sitting around.
The ABIT needs its caps replaced tho... which isn't a big deal- I mean, I've got a desoldering iron for a reason- but I'm wondering if it's worth it. Are there any other, significantly better Slot A boards out there?
The ABIT needs its caps replaced tho... which isn't a big deal- I mean, I've got a desoldering iron for a reason- but I'm wondering if it's worth it. Are there any other, significantly better Slot A boards out there?
might be hard to find 1, cause they had a prob with caps leaking/exploding/blowing_up. but back in the day they were prolly #1
You could try Abit's cap RMA program!
As for replacing the caps... All but 3 of the 2200µF are bulging or leaking, as are several of the 1500µF caps. So all of those at the very least need to be replaced... that's 24 caps right there. And if I'm gonna replace those, I might as well replace the rest of them just in case anyhow. Caps are cheap, and replacing them shouldn't take me very much time at all.
This is true, tis but a minor task. But just get one round the wrong way and you gonna be in for some serious fun
So, do yourself a favour and just take a little pause each time. It's worth it.
$25.00? I don't think so. Lemme see, that translates to about £14.00 in the UK, for that price you could buy enough min electrolytic capacitors for about 10 boards.
They're cheap. If you know where to buy anyway.
And Abit would only replace the obviously leaky ones, not the whole shebang.
Oh. Not good