Building a laptop...
OK, I came here over a year ago because I wanted to build myself a PC. Now, I have done that many times over and am looking at trying my hand at a laptop. I know that it is a "Little" different than a PC but, I think I can do it. I have seen chasis for sale with no parts so obviously there is a market for components. I want to do a A64 system, with decent graphics, and a GB of RAM, DVD+-RW, and a pretty big hard drive. Any suggestions for starting points?
Edit: Aopen was the manufacturer.
Search on Pricewatch for the best prices on these.
There's only one problem to your plan. Most laptops are proprietary, and not interchangable. They are becoming more interchangable, but not near enought to move parts from one to another. The only way you could do that is if you got the same model series, brand, or etc., if even that. I can't personally say that I know all laptops in a certain brand's series is interchangable. You would just have to figure it out yourself.
P.S. Your money problem is also a MAJOR problem.