A few Questions About My new Comp
I hope you don't mind if i pick your brains for a few minutes. I just put together my Comp it consists of the following.
P4 550 with Zalman 7700 Cooler
Asus P5AD2-E Premium
1 gig Cosair XMS2 ddr2
Antec 500W PSU
6800Gt pci-e
1. What is the average operating temp for a 550. Mine is running about 50C in the bios but only 40C with the Asus Probe in windows. Which one is right?
2. Is that temp to high for a 550 idling with a 7700 on it?
3. When i put the thermal compound on it i spread it evenly all over the top of the processor. Should i have just done a drop in the middle? or is spreading it all over the way to go.
4. I was check sandra and i noticed my voltage on my processor was 2.91. Is this correct? Is that even possible.
5. What is your opinion about the overclocking utility built into the bios of the asus boards. The one where it lets you over clock 5% 10% 15% 20%. I used the 15% setting and i was running 3.91ghz.
Any info you guys can help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
P4 550 with Zalman 7700 Cooler
Asus P5AD2-E Premium
1 gig Cosair XMS2 ddr2
Antec 500W PSU
6800Gt pci-e
1. What is the average operating temp for a 550. Mine is running about 50C in the bios but only 40C with the Asus Probe in windows. Which one is right?
2. Is that temp to high for a 550 idling with a 7700 on it?
3. When i put the thermal compound on it i spread it evenly all over the top of the processor. Should i have just done a drop in the middle? or is spreading it all over the way to go.
4. I was check sandra and i noticed my voltage on my processor was 2.91. Is this correct? Is that even possible.
5. What is your opinion about the overclocking utility built into the bios of the asus boards. The one where it lets you over clock 5% 10% 15% 20%. I used the 15% setting and i was running 3.91ghz.
Any info you guys can help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Concerning the thremal paste: Yes you do need to cover the entire top of your CPU, which is intentionally large to both protect the CPU core and to provide a larger surface area for heat dissipation. Use only the minimum amount necessary to cover the surface using a razor blade or credit card to distribute the paste. It should almost be see-through when properly applied. Later on, consider getting a quality thermal interface such as Arctic Silver 5 or equivalent if you wish to overclock.
Apart from that, I've no more suggestions. I'm not familiar with that motherboard.