I915GMm-HFS, uses Intel 915GM MicroATX, FSB 533MHz Dothan Pentium M use

edited January 2005 in Hardware
Looks like we might finally have a mobo coming out in a few months for the Dothans that is using a modern chipset for desktop use. Even if the board is expensive, I believe I will be building a machine based on this mobo and a Dothan. I've attached a pic of the board, but I found this info over at Extreme . I think Dothan at high fsb speed is going to devestate a Presshot in most tasks and be very competitive with A64. ;D;D
i915.jpg 155.8K


  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited January 2005
    the Pentium M is as fast as if not faster than the A64 with the 400MHz FSB it has now...
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited January 2005
    Yeah it will be very competitive with the A64.

    And the thing is, the P-M has some latencies built into it to make it consume less power. If those latencies werent there with the cache and all, it would be a monster.
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