Video card for photo work

I'm upgrading my wife's PC, and want to provide her with a decent video card for photo editing. This PC will also act as her primary PC for internet, email, finance, etc. Very little, if any gaming will be done on it (small kids games not withstanding).
Will a GeForce2 do the trick, ($25), or should I look at a different solution?
Will a GeForce2 do the trick, ($25), or should I look at a different solution?
System will be an Athlon XP 2200, 512 MB RAM, W2K/XP. And yes, it will fold (if the Zalman HSF is all it's cracked up to be, it'll fold 24x7).
That only applies to old cards (GF2's and earlier) as now they are all pretty much the same.
So basically, get a R7000 or newer.
Seems to me like the results were that the GeForce4 was still inferior to the quality of the Radeon cards, but that the GeForce FX is slightly superior.
There are still some 550's around, and now 650's.
The price is right and 2d image is great.