NEW Nvidia ForceWare 71.80 Beta

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited February 2005 in Science & Tech
A new set of ForceWare drivers have been made available for download. All cards are supported but they should be considered Beta.

Nvidia ForceWare 71.80 Beta (17.6MB)

Source: [url=][/url]


  • Ghaleon4Ghaleon4 South Oklahoma
    edited February 2005
    Does anyone know how well these perform with Half-Life 2, among other games? Any improvements? Perhaps only improves the latest cards? Works best with a specific game? Any and all information folks can volunteer on this will only help everyone...
  • edited February 2005
    I have an athlon64 3200+ and a geforce 6800gt. while these drivers were really fast (half-life 2 + 10 fps, Doom3 + 6 fps, 3dmark2005 +800 marks over the 67.03 betas). On the downside, my card ran much hotter with these drivers (who knows why. driver fan thottling?). My desktop temp went from 58 to 68 degrees. during gameplay, my core temp reached 80. not so good. So, in conclusion, these drivers will set your system on fire, both literally and figuratively.
  • Ghaleon4Ghaleon4 South Oklahoma
    edited February 2005
    Are you talking about your video card temps?
  • edited February 2005
    Yup. core temps of my card.
  • edited February 2005
    I got the same result, faster fps but core temp up 10c ??????
  • Geeky1Geeky1 University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA)
    edited February 2005
    It's entirely possible that the new drivers are simply more accurate than the old ones. It's not likely that they're actually raising the gpu temp.
  • edited February 2005
    Or it could be that the drivers make more efficient use of GPU resources. If the various execution units of the chip are kept busier by the 71.80's, then it would stand to reason that the core temp would rise.
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