Computer lab loot
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
I helped dismantle an old lab on campus yesterday. The orders were to put them in the scrap room to be picked up by our repo company. I asked to be allowed to scrounge from the lab, and got the thumbs up. I'm not sure to what degree these parts will be useful for the SMx project, but I will list them and if they are I can possibly get more.
9 HDs that are 1-2 GB
4 floppy drives
3 NICs (questionable)
I also got 4 complete Kingdom systems built in 1998. I did this under the assumption they would be ATX and all we'd have to do is swap out the mobo/memory/CPUs. I'm still unsure about this. Do you think we could likely do this?
I also have 7 sticks of RAM. This is what's on the sticker:
PC 100-322-620
I'm under the impression they are half-gig sticks, but might be too slow to be any good to us anyway. I could even be wrong about the half-gig part, but I know they are at least 128. 8x64=512, so... yeah. Excuse my lack of knowledgablity on this, I don't claim to be a hardware guru in any respect
Let me know what to keep, what to pitch, and/or what to get more of.
9 HDs that are 1-2 GB
4 floppy drives
3 NICs (questionable)
I also got 4 complete Kingdom systems built in 1998. I did this under the assumption they would be ATX and all we'd have to do is swap out the mobo/memory/CPUs. I'm still unsure about this. Do you think we could likely do this?
I also have 7 sticks of RAM. This is what's on the sticker:
PC 100-322-620
I'm under the impression they are half-gig sticks, but might be too slow to be any good to us anyway. I could even be wrong about the half-gig part, but I know they are at least 128. 8x64=512, so... yeah. Excuse my lack of knowledgablity on this, I don't claim to be a hardware guru in any respect
Let me know what to keep, what to pitch, and/or what to get more of.
I got an email to saying they are selling some old computer parts at school tomorrow I will have to check it out. Mwuahahahaha. I love it.
That's a good idea with such small drives. A no-frills Linux install would do the job and make the drives very usable