say bye bye to my high numbers
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
My folding performance is going to start to be on the decline
We lost a major account last week, and along with that, 15 P4 computers ranging from 1.7ghz to 2.6ghz.
Just wanted to let you all know :bawling:
We lost a major account last week, and along with that, 15 P4 computers ranging from 1.7ghz to 2.6ghz.
Just wanted to let you all know :bawling:
That's a shame. Hope you can find some replacements:)
I hope things turn around for you. You can always find more Folding computers, but it sucks to lose a customer like that.
I'm sure The Team, as well as all your many friends here at Short-Media, will be rooting for you all the way. Hang in there.