Gran Turismo 4 Pulls Into Stores
After multiple delays, Gran Turismo 4 has finally driven into retail stores for the PlayStation 2.
Source: GameSpotLauded as "The Real Driving Simulator," the Gran Turismo series has sold more than 38 million copies worldwide since its inception in 1998.
GT4 lets racers feel what it's like to race down such tracks as Laguna Seca or in such locales as Times Square in more than 700 cars from more than 80 car manufacturers. The game will continue the series' trademark license-acquiring and car- and track-unlocking that has become the obsession of many automobile fetishists.
B-spec mode makes its debut, and it lets gamers assume the role of race team manager so they can give directions to their drivers from a broadcast view. In photo mode, gamers can get behind the lens of a camera to take pictures of their cars in exotic locations by controlling the zoom, pitch, and angle of the shutter. Once the picture is taken, it can be shared with friends or even printed up via a USB printer.
there goes my life for a good 3 months...
No. I rented them and basically beat them in five days.
Yes. I played them that much.
theres no way you beat GT3 in 5 days, the endurance races alone take longer than that... (im talking amount of time here)
BTW, I'm told by a more fortunate friend that got his hands on a copy that you get to import your licenses and up to 100k of your money from GT3, so if you're stuck without GT4 for a few days like I am, you might pull out GT3 and pick up any licenses you don't have.
and all I was doing was working for all golds on the B license cert...
And I would be that fortunate friend. (cue Fortunate Son) This game is the ultimate badnasty! I didn't sleep much last night because we started the game importing 100,000 credits from GT3. That lets you buy quite a bit of niceness. Got a built up 86 MR2 SC and a Triumph Spitfire so far. This game is amazing. The graphic quality rivals most Xbox games. The sheer number of cars is staggering and they've picked a good mix of things, both historic and modern. And by historic, I mean Daimler steam buggies and Model T's. There is some seriously kickin stuff in here.
Being able to import liscences is cool, but I think i'll start my game without doing it and build up. The exams have fun breaks in them for gymkhana events and things like "hit all the cones as fast as you can" events called coffee breaks. Now I just gotta find my Celica XX and I'll be a happy boy.
When we had a Playstation (not PSone, I'm talking the big beast of a box
Damnit. Damn you, Sony! Who's says you need to make games for only your system? I mean, c'mon, get with it
'Cube-itize it, bitches!
Apparently big block powered muscle cars don't make ideal rally cars... who knew?
*Note for Kwitko (& any other MOPAR fans reading this): No actual 1971 'Cudas were harmed in the making of these screenshots
One other thing... the blurring in a couple of these screenshots is not present in the game... it's because my stupid Leadtek TV Tuner card apparently doesn't like making screencaps of GT4 :shakehead