Mancunian (Nick - UK) Joins Team 93!

MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
edited April 2005 in Folding@Home
Hi Everyone

Thank you to whoever it was who sent me the info and the invitation to join. I was unaware of this project but it sounds excellent and I like the sound of the community/team spirit etc very much too. So I've done it right away. Just finished installing. I understand the basics of the program as I already run Gomez Peer, which does a similar job but for web site testing for $$$. I've been doing that for a few years and whilst it doesn't make me an overnight millionaire, it does put a few pennies in my Paypal for me every couple of months. Anyway the point is that this program sounds very similar, although naturally with different aims - points and prestige/fun rather than $$ but that's fine. Other than that, I'm very much a whitehorn around here. Still learning and hoping to make some new friends/contacts soon so just wanted to post and let you folks know that I'm now on the team and hopefully help get you back into the Top 10 where you/we deserve to be!!! :thumbsup:;D

Take care for now
Nick (Manchester UK)


  • BuddyJBuddyJ Dept. of Propaganda OKC Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome to the team. We've got a substantial UK contingent here so please feel right at home.
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome to the Team Nick! If we can help with anything at all, please don't be shy. :wave::fold:
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Great to have you here, Nick! Thanks for introducing yourself :cool:

    Check out the "New to the Team?" sticky in this forum. There's some stuff in there you might be interested in :)
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited March 2005
    Welcome to the team. We've got a substantial UK contingent here so please feel right at home.

    Yes......Welcome to Team 93 Mancunian. :thumbsup:

    Not only members from the UK but there are Aussie convicts here as well. :D :ausflag:

    Actually, the members here just about cover the globe, from both the Southern and Northern hemisphere.
    :canflag: :ausflag: :usflag: :sweflag: :welshflag :ukflag:
    Sure makes things interesting at times. :)

    F:fold:LD on. :smokin:
  • CyrixInsteadCyrixInstead Stoke-on-Trent, England Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Hey welcome to the Team Nick!!! I'm from Stoke myself, working in Stockport. There's bothered and Shorty who both live in Manchester, Necropolis in Liverpool, PressX, Spinner, Jimborae... the list runs on so there's plenty of us guys on the site.

    Get yourself a nice folding sig too and show everyone your stats :thumbsup:

  • RADARADA Apple Valley, CA Member
    edited March 2005
    :ukflag: :usflag:

    Always glad to make new friends from across the pond!

    Welcome! Glad to have you with us!
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome aboard! :ukflag:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    Welcome to the Team man.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    Keep an eye on the Milestone Forum. Once you hit 1,000 points you'll be honored with each additional level you reach. You're teammates will see (and cheer on) your progress as you keep moving up the ladder.

    Welcome aboard! :ukflag:

  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited March 2005
    Hi Nick and welcome. That makes at least three of us from Manchester. It's a S-M hotspot.
  • GarethGareth Wales
    edited March 2005
    Welcome Nick. There are some of us in Wales as well. :)
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome Nick. Make yourself at home. :thumbsup:
  • MrNiceGuyMrNiceGuy Denmark
    edited March 2005
    Welcome :)
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited March 2005
    Hi Guys ... WOW what a wonderful welcome from you all. I'm overwhelmed I have to say but wonderful to find so many kind, friendly and supportive people in here. I'm glad I decided to join the team! Too many to address individually but hope you will take this to include 'you' whoever you are! ;D

    Nice to see so many from Manchester too. That's nice. :cool:

    Finally for now, I WILL check up on that sticky because whilst I know what this is all about generally, I still don't understand many aspects of this - like the score etc. I'm currently processing quite a large file or whatever you call it - a 3 day jobbie so not sure how that will convert to a score once it completes tomorrow (Saturday) so will be interesting to see and hope the sticky will enlighten me somewhat. Also, Cyrix, I like the idea of having a nice sig showing my score etc like I notice many of you have. Hope that sticky will tell me how to do that and I'll get it sorted but might need a helping hand with that so if you want to drop me a quick line sometime and tell me how then that would be very welcome. BTW what is the green WP one you have there too? Is that because you're in two teams or a different/similar thing to short-media's folding scheme?

    Ok I'll leave it there for now. Once again thank you SO much everyone for such a wonderful welcome and it's good to join the party! :ukflag: :celebrate ;D
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Hi Nick, you can find the signature generator here...

    You will have to wait until your first WU is complete before your name will show up in the user list.

    I think the green sig you're referring to is a custom jobby by Cyrix. I'm sure if you wanted to use it for yours, he would be more then happy to accomodate you.

    There are many existing styles to choose from already. The cool thing is you may add your own custom banner as well. Once you get what you want, hit, generate code and copy the code into your sig area in the usercp. If you need help, we will surely give you a hand. :)

    By the WU your describing, I'd say it's could be worth anywhere between 300 and 600 points, hopefully 600.
  • MrNiceGuyMrNiceGuy Denmark
    edited March 2005
    Between 300 and 600 points?! I've never had one of those as far as I can tell by my frequent EM III readings on my boxes. Biggest are 236 points or so. am I being "unlucky" or is there some steps one can take to get them? (my greed for points shine through a bit ;))
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    Most of those are enabled with 'Large WUs'. They take longer and are worth more points.
  • MrNiceGuyMrNiceGuy Denmark
    edited March 2005
    Huh? Where do I enable that then?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    When setting up the client. You have to say yes to advance options. Then there is a question to run large WUs.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Well Mancunian, it's official. You're on the boards now... You've got nowhere to go but UP :rarr:

  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited March 2005
    Congrats on your first of many work units! :thumbsup:
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited March 2005
    Congrats Mancunian!

    Spent 5 years in Manchester! Still drying out!!!!

    all the best M8

    well done
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    Welcome to team 93 Mancunian (Nick - UK)! :fold:
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited March 2005
    TBonZ wrote:
    By the WU your describing, I'd say it's could be worth anywhere between 300 and 600 points, hopefully 600.

    Hi TBonZ. You'll notice I found the sig generator you mentioned and have created my own. Looks nice I think. Only thing puzzling me at the moment is my score. I started using F@H last Thursday or Friday (can't remember offhand exactly) and went away. My first WU was due to complete on the Saturday morning in the early hours, which I noticed it had. It had also done ANOTHER WU and started a longer 3rd one, which has now completed. My score after the first one (3 or 4 days which I'd worked out approx to be around 300 to 450 as you know) ended up being around 280 odd. Now on my 4th WU and as you'll see, not hit 600 yet. Don't get me wrong, not doing it for that but it is part and parcel and being a competitive guy, was just wondering if everything looks/seems ok to you? Quite a lot of people have been doing this for some considerable time judging from their scores/rankings so maybe someone can give me some insight please? As I understand it from reading the forums/FAQ etc, you get 110 points multiplied by the number of days the WU takes to complete, yes? I would have expected at LEAST 330 for the first WU but maybe it sped up somehow when I wasn't doing other stuff on the computer so maybe that's why?!
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited March 2005
    Well Mancunian, it's official. You're on the boards now... You've got nowhere to go but UP :rarr:


    Wow I didn't know about that site/URL. Looks pretty good. I'm impressed. Still not QUITE sure how I only got those points for the first WU but never mind, I can live with it.

    I wondered how all you guys knew I'd completed the first WU too. Guess that's where/how. I never found out till I got home on Monday. :thumbsup:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited March 2005
    You have completed 3 WUs:

    P1132 - 241 points
    P1136 - 241 points
    P1275 - 46 points

    You are good to go.:)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    Mancunian wrote:
    ...was just wondering if everything looks/seems ok to you? Quite a lot of people have been doing this for some considerable time judging from their scores/rankings so maybe someone can give me some insight please?
    Your progress looks fine. I've got machines ranging from an old Athlon 850 to a brand new A64 3500+. Each of them shows fluctuations in points per day with different WU's. In other words, if one WU works out to an average of 250 points/day that doesn't mean that the next one will be the same.

    Over the last two months I've had weeks where I fell just below 5,000 points on the low end, to above 7,200 points on the high end. The type of WU's Stanford doles out varies, but since everyone is in the same boat it averages out over the long run.

    The best thing to do is just let it run for a few weeks and see what your daily average looks like.
    ...maybe it sped up somehow when I wasn't doing other stuff on the computer...
    That is definitely a factor. Folding uses spare CPU cycles. The more you are using your computer, the less there is to spare. At the moment, I have my email program and two browser windows open. Folding still has 98% of my machine left to work with. If I were to pop in a resource intensive game or do some video rendering, then Folding would have to settle for beggar's luck. :p
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited March 2005
    mmonnin wrote:
    You have completed 3 WUs:

    P1132 - 241 points
    P1136 - 241 points
    P1275 - 46 points

    You are good to go.:)

    Please can someone confirm something that seems to be the case if I've read the relevant stickies and FAQ etc properly, which I have tried to do. I was under the impression that scores were worked out by multiplying the number of days a WU took to process by 110. From what you say, mmonnin, and others, it would appear as if they are now issuing - if that's the right word? - points to a particular WU instead. If I'm right in this, and what you've just written would seem to confirm that, then the FAQ or the sticky that mentions that (believe it was on the Stamford FAQ site itself if memory serves?!) needs changing! :scratch:

    Whilst I'm at it, I was also reading somewhere earlier that there's a program somewhere that includes a score stat for each WU within the GU or something. I'm currently using the Windows client 5.03 version of F@H (Nov 2004) but if I can view the actual score somewhere else I wouldn't need to bother. Any thoughts/views on this please anyone using 5.03? What do you do? :confused:

    Thanks again
    Nick (Mancunian)
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited March 2005
    To my knowledge, the policy has always been a fixed amount of points for each type of work unit. I haven't seen that part of the FAQ myself.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2005
    Mancunian wrote:
    ...I was under the impression that scores were worked out by multiplying the number of days a WU took to process by 110...
    That refers to Stanford's reference machine. They have their computer crunch a WU, then calculate the WU value based on how much time it took.

    As General Keebler said, WU's have a fixed point value. A computer significantly faster than Stanford's reference machine is going to average greater than 110/ppd; a slower computer will be less. I've gone through 600-Point WU's in under three days on my A64 3500+. My Athlon 850 takes well over a week.

    As for monitoring you progress and WU value, many of us use the console version of the Folding client and monitor our progress with a program called EMIII. You'll want to wait until your current WU is finished should you decide to switch over. You can manually look up point values at this page.
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