xp home and xp pro

Good day to all! 
guys may i know what are the MAJOR diff of the two? and what will you recommend..
many thanks!

guys may i know what are the MAJOR diff of the two? and what will you recommend..
many thanks!
My suggestion... WinXP PRO. The networking and security of Pro is better than Home edition.
That's what I do and XP Home works just fine with it.
Home isn't any less secure than Pro. That's bull****.
Pro connects to an active directory domain, home cannot
Pro supports multiple processors, home does not
Pro has terminal server for RDP, home does not
Pro supports EFS, home does not
There are the major functional differences, in a nutshell. If you don't need active directory (most people don't have an AD schema master in their house), multiple processors, terminal services, or EFS, then you don't need to spend the extra money.
For some reason there is this myth that pro is somehow "better" than home. That's total BS. The only home user who needs XP Pro is the one with dual processors.
or silly people like me who have an Domain controllers for the nine machines spread around the house for the use of three people who live there (can I hear you say "GEEEK!!!!!??"). :type:
"most NORMAL people don't have an AD schema master in their house"
Agree. Dual cpu and some advanced networking is the differance. And the networking is to keep Corporate America from going cheap for users on domains. The are trying to give home users a price break aand keep Corporate America paying through the nose.
Any user not connecting to a domain or using multiple cpu's is good to go with Home XP.
Coming from the Corporate aspect, I see big differences. At home... not much different.
He wasnt looking to buy a PC to attach to a domain at work with a network administrator over seeing active directory and setting up his user privledges.
He said..... "im using it mainly for gaming and internet.."
Thats a perfect use for XP Home. 99.5 percent of the PC's in any home on this planet are perfect candidates for XP Home btw... Few connect to domains with AD or have dual cpu's in the home. Mine do but I am not a normal user. And I bet there are 50,000 XP users on this planet for every one with a setup like mine.