Bad News...



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Nice analysis, MediaMan.

    If it's any consolation, my experience with those kinds of people is that sooner or later the powers-that-be will catch on that the problem lies with the individual who is constantly complaining about things. Then they'll get their comeuppance. :ninja:
  • Liquid81Liquid81 Westbrook,CT
    edited April 2005
    the sqeaky wheel doesnt always get greased. sometimes it gets replaced.
  • gibbonslgibbonsl Grand Forks AFB
    edited April 2005
    nice one their Liquid81 :thumbsup:
  • edited April 2005
    Sorry to hear about the loss of the computers, KF. It really sucks when some nimrod like that blames the client for their piss-poor habits with their computer; MM pretty well summed it up nicely. I surely hope that the @sswipe that complained also has a ton of spyware and maybe a trojan or 2 from d/l'ing porn at work and he/she gets canned. ;D;D

    At least you had a good run with their use though, good job! :thumbsup:
  • edited April 2005
    Yup, it's been a good run. I'll concentrate on the farm now. I have two nodes I need to get online and start producing immediately. I still have some straggler clients from the city that I haven't been able to contact and remove over the network. I saw a picture of BC's (from PC Perspective) folding farm, which was made up of biostar motherboards much like the 6 farm nodes I have here at the house now, and it has provided quite an inspiration to strive for with my upcoming newly expanded folding farm. I've been really impressed with how the Handbrake has held in there production-wise with his/her personal folding farm while I had a gazillion nodes barely keeping ahead of them most of the time. I'll be down but not out. Besides, they are their computers and they can do with them what they want. I just hate seeing so much potential going to waste and for FAH to get a bad name and blame for hard drive failures. It's totally proposterous and shows lack of knowing what they are talking about with how FAH works. Like I said before, if/when I catch wind of them or one of their loved ones being diagnosed with one of those diseases I'll be right there with research papers in hand. Thanks muddock and glad to still see you around :D .
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