Bad News...

edited April 2005 in Folding@Home
Today was one of those bad days I hoped would never happen and never realistically thought would. I went to work today and was confronted about somebody that was upset about folding at home on their computer. Although I had received the proper permission, the person went to the rest of the IT department for the city and complained. Needless to say it was decided before I had any input that folding was to be removed from all the city computers. I removed the majority of them today and will get to the rest when I can reach the computers on the network.

I still have the folding farm but will lose significant production very shortly. It was good while it lasted but as always, easy come, easy go. Like many of the narrow-minded administrators I've seen posted about in prior threads it looks like I've fallen victim to them too. I wish they would reconsider their position but it looks to be unlikely at this point. It's too much hassle sometimes trying to convince those making the decisions of the benefits of the simulations and research. The situation can also be a little fragile since it's the employee/employer relationship. I'm glad the project got the past benefit of the machines but it appears it has come to an end.



  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I hate idiots, what the hell was he complaining about?
  • KwitkoKwitko Sheriff of Banning (Retired) By the thing near the stuff Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    *sigh* That sucks. You know, I have a friend that used to say that 9 out of 10 people are dumb. Well, I think you're the 1 of 10 that isn't. People are idiots.

    Thanks for all your contributions. Life goes on and we still love ya! :thumbsup:
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Man it always comes to this. This happened to me too at a client location. I don't understand what these people complain about!

    Sorry to hear it, KF. It's really sad, but the rally will continue, have no fear :)
  • edited April 2005
    ah, thanks kwitko
    /me feels all warm and fuzzy inside

    After a start like that the rest of the day really sucked. I am thankful for all the past contributions but all good things must come to an end.

    RWB: I don't know what the exact nature of the original complaint was to be honest as I got it second hand from my immediate supervisor (who has generally been supportive of the project although he took my word for it that the program doesn't cause harm or intrude on privacy). The one thing that I did gather was that it was suspected in hard drive failures (wtf?). I did try to explain to him that there would be no way in hell it could associated with hard drive failures but at that point I saw the writing on the wall and it's just simply best to not push a bad position with an employer no matter how unjustified/narrowminded their actions are in these situations.
  • edited April 2005
    Yeah prime, no way else to put except that it really sucks and sucks bad. Maybe I'll expand a little on the folding farm at the house, there's so much less hassle involved anyway. My motivation at work took a huge nosedive today too.
  • scottscott Medina, Ohio Icrontian
    edited April 2005

    Sorry to hear it KF. You have been an awesome folder !!

    Looks like you'll be buyin the crawfish :(

    Thanks for what you have done.

    I agree it is best not to strain a employee/employer relationship.

    Thanks again

  • TimTim Southwest PA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Take the folding off the computers like they want, then after a few weeks when things quiet down, put it back on except in the department where that one person complained. :D
  • Artluo100Artluo100 New York
    edited April 2005
    Haha ^ agreee :D

    But seriously that is so gay, what was he really complaining about?
  • GnomeWizarddGnomeWizardd Member 4 Life Akron, PA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    AH looks like csimon wins
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Sorry to hear about that KingFish ...hey if you make it down here anytime soon give me a call and we'll go have those crawfish ...I'll buy no problem.

    We had a state skill competition at school today. Something I noticed is that when folding these qmd's & big wu's the system becomes very very sluggish because of the huge bandwith consumption. So I went so far as to just disable the clients until the competition was over and everything was normal again. If a student notices and complains I usually just disable -advmethods and big wu's for that semester. But I really think the culprit this time was the qmd core.

    I guess what I'm getting at is that if and when I install to systems outside of my realm that I don't have direct control over ...and especially if I know it's primarily being used by someone else I just set no flags and I don't request the big wu's. That way I never have to worry about getting complaints and I still get 100% cpu even though the wu's are not as desirable. There are just some times when you can't take the chance.
    If the wu's are hogs it will cause discomfort with the end user so I've just found over time that it's best not to push it. This may not be the case here KF but it may ...and it may be good advice for someone else who sets up folding on someone elses computer in the future ...with proper permissions of course.
    This isn't the first time this has happened and it probably won't be the last ...but if we come up with some sort of concensus about possible solutions we can probably save folders lots of heartache in the future. :fold:

    I really and truly hate to see things like this happen ...again sorry.
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    KF, I remember what you had to go through to get it on there in the first place. It was your fine work that got those computers to produce as much as they did.

    I (try to) come across as a friendly, jocular guy in the forums (which is my true nature anyways), but if I have a dark side it is that I don't suffer fools gladly - at least in extreme cases like this. You can always find new ways to kick your production back up a few notches, but the ignoramus that complained is stuck being who they are - a petty simple-minded fool. It's a pretty harsh but well-deserved lifetime sentence, if you ask me.

    Humanity is still worth helping, even if a few ignorant individuals don't deserve it. :shakehead

    You did a great job getting things as far as you did and you have every reason to be as proud of yourself as we are of you. :respect:
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited April 2005
    Thats why I dont even bother most of the time. FAH is always the first thing to blame. In the Lab at my HS it was blamed for removing a tab on some options page even tho it WAS spyware that the dumbass classmate installed more than once.
  • floontfloont Texas
    edited April 2005
    Sorry to hear that Kingfish. It sucks, but you have to keep the boss man happy or there won't be much folding at home either. :)
    Good luck finding replacements.

  • witenoizwitenoiz 19,356 miles East of Kansas City, MO Member
    edited April 2005
    I appreciate what you have done for the team with your efforts through your work! I am with the rest here - but what can you do? :fold:

    "Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown, ignorance can be educated, and drunkenness sobered, but STUPID lasts forever."
    - Aristophenes ... Athenian Playwright

    Jack cuss.gif
  • edited April 2005
    I just stopped installing it on machines I don't control directly all around. I'm sick of having to take it back off again after the primary user screws something else up and decides that it simply MUST be FAH.

    I still fold on all of my machines, but needless to say I've lost my competetive spirit when it comes to trying to get as many as machines as possible folding for me. Dealing with the retards just doesn't make it worth it.

    Then again... I have been known to install it on people's machines without their knowlege.....
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited April 2005
    KF........there is nothing we could say that hasn't already been said in the above posts.

    It is a shame it had to end the way it did. As a team-member you are awesome and have done more than your fair share. :thumbsup:

    Hopefully something will make the ignoramus come to realise what folding is all about and why so many people, world-wide participate.

    At least it has not affected your job as that would really have been over the top.

    Here's to a better folding future. :cheers:

    Jon & Sally
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited April 2005
    Is there anybody where you work that we could all email as members of team 93 'thanking them for all their help in the past in fighting these terrible diseases, how their input will be missed, how they have probably saved a few lives by speeding up this important research'. That kind of thing? No pleading, just gratitude?
  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited April 2005
    KF - I had this happen to, but on a smaller scale, just a couple of computers. Try as you might to convince them that FAH really is a benign program, they see that CPU usage up high and just assume that it is a bad thing. It's too bad that some uninformed people don't understand that the CPU cycles are occurring anyways, whether you use them or not, and that FAH just uses whatever is *left over* and can adapt it's usage faster than a human can even think about understanding.... :shakehead

    Sorry for the bad news...maybe send the person a link to the FAH promo video, and to this thread, so they can learn what FAH really does, and how it really does not slow down or negatively affect a system in any way.

  • edited April 2005
    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Yes prof, it's a shame it had to end this way but I suppose it had to end sometime. It was an uphill battle and one that I didn't think I would succeed in. I timed it right and was polite so I got the permission.

    This turn of events has changed my outlook a bit on folding on other peoples'/institutions' computers as it appears that it is the first thing to get blamed for anything that goes wrong with it. The hard drive failure accusation really floored me. We have a meeting today (they are weekly meetings actually) with the IT heads throughout the city and I was told that the topic will be coming up. I'll be polite and thank them for the past contributions while trying to bite my tongue about the blind ignorance that's being perpetuated somehow. Nearly all the clients have been taken off now already. I'll explain to them why the program is benign if it comes up although I don't want to be defensive or argumentative about it.

    I never enabled big wu's or anything that would make the performance suffer (which is why the points per processor was dismal) because I didn't want FAH to be blamed in the first place for slowdowns. The only computers I have big wu's enabled is the ones under my direct control in my house and recommend the same for others.

    All in all it's just a shame. Oh well life goes on.
  • edited April 2005
    Man, that royally sucks ***, I'm so sorry to hear it...the idiots the world produces these days.

    Maybe in a year or so when you've got some data to point to you can go to your boss and say "We lost as many hdd's this year with no folding as we did last year with folding" and see if he'll go to bat for you.
  • TBonZTBonZ Ottawa, ON Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    My sentiments have already been echoed KF, thanks for taking the time and effort to have those machines Folding in the first place. Can't say that you didn't try.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Wow... I've seen some performance issues with large WU's also.

    As for you predicament. Sorry dude... You've provided the team with a huge boost. We will miss the points, but the energy you provide to the team will not diminish. Stick with us and you'll still be providing hope for our children.

    <font color=red size=4>Thank you KingFish...</font>
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    KingFish - All I can say is, when I saw the thread title, I was worried. I'm glad no personal tragedy has befallen you. Your points will be missed, but you've got all your arms and legs and family members - the team will heal. :thumbsup:
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited April 2005
    why has no one pegged this for April Fools yet?

    EDIT: the clock here confuses me, I can't quite tell when you posted this...
  • LincLinc Owner Detroit Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    TheBaron wrote:
    why has no one pegged this for April Fools yet?

    EDIT: the clock here confuses me, I can't quite tell when you posted this...
    I inquired about that via PM, but he has assured me it is not :(
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Please Be An April Fools Joke.... Please :(
  • TheBaronTheBaron Austin, TX
    edited April 2005
    but damnit the clock says Today :(
  • Liquid81Liquid81 Westbrook,CT
    edited April 2005
    That would be awesome if it was an april fools joke. Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Also thanks for reminding me of april fools, i have to clear wrap the bathroom door now.
  • edited April 2005
    No it's not an april fools joke. I wish it were but it isn't. The only April fools are the ones making decisions sometimes. The topic did not come up at the meeting this morning and I didn't bring it up myself. Prolly better to let sleeping dogs lie in this situation. I did print up numerous articles and a good explanation of the project in case it did come up. As you would know when you are prepared for a good debate the subject matter doesn't come but if you aren't prepared you get ambushed. As far as the emails to city administration, best to just leave it alone. There could be worse things like ghoos mentioned.
    If I hear of one of the administrators that have a loved one diagnosed with one of these diseases you can sure bet I'll be there to bring this up.
  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited April 2005
    You'll find that sometimes in a's the squeaky wheel that get's the grease. In your case the person complained for no other reason to complain. They blamed the F@H client for their poor work habits. You will soon find that same person will start complaining that their computer is all screwed up because of it...they can't get their work done....etc. etc. ya de ya de yah.

    It's in the nature of those types of people to find something else to pin their own shortcomings on. They'll use the line "It was working fine BEFORE that program was on my computer...what did YOU do? You must have screwed something up."

    It's about that time I picture a wall and the same person being trotted out in front of it and no blindfold.
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